Donald J. Trump
AKA the Dotard, Cadet Bone Spurs, the Orange Blob
I hate him and here is why:
Donald J. Trump
AKA the Dotard, Cadet Bone Spurs, the Orange Blob
I hate him and here is why:
- he grabs women by the pussy.
- he lies at the fucking time.
- he won't show us his tax returns.
- he cheats people.
- he is a treasonous coward.
- he has no regard for his position.
- he is a bully.
- he is lazy.
- he empowers Nazis, racists and white supremacy.
- he assumes we all are stupid and gullible.
- he claims to be a good business person but he runs his companies in to the ground.
- he is selfish.
- he is immature.
- he is not prepared for this important position and he does nothing to improve his weaknesses.
- he doesn't care for our Vets.
- he tweets bullshit.
- he puts his business interest above American interests.
- he promotes nationalism.
- he is reckless with his words.
- he is narcissistic.
- he courts dictators.
- he alienates our global friends.
- he is reckless with his word.
- he provokes our enemies.
- he doesn't care about the environment
- he mocks the disabled.
- he is unkind to private citizens.
- he doesn't support planned parenthood.
- he violates our 1st amendment rights.
- he is a newfound, bullshit christian.
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