Tuesday, January 22, 2019

July 16, 2014


Haiti Family Initituvive
Summer Wellness Program
Jacemel, Haiti
July 16, 2014

I went looking for my old lady friend from last summer. I went to her house and it is now a beer store. I asked the neighbor what happened to the 87 year old woman. "Her family came and got her. She lives in the mountains now." I felt relief and loss at the same time. I asked another neighbor for more information but she had none. I asked the 14 year old boy who knows everyone and their business. "She is dead, madame. She die."

Some responses to my posting:

  • Sorry for your pain in hearing that. I remember your heartfelt post about her during your last visit.

  • Aw.. I'd prefer to think of her being taken to the mountains with family instead of dead..

  • Sorry about your loss. I also believe she was taken to the mountains to be with family.

  • Mountains

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