Saturday, January 12, 2019

July 14, 2015

Facebook Post
July 14, 2015
Sitting at a resultant
Varanasi, India
Yesterday, as I am sitting in my caged restaurant, someone leaves the door ajar and a monkey sneaks in. I spot him and yell at him in my principal's voice. It does startle him and I think it will be enough to intimidate him so that he will leave. But before i could get up and around to table, he ran to the refrigerator, opened the door with his right hand and grabbed a loaf of bread with his left hand and he was out of there. Today, I am in a narrow alleyway, talking to a shop owner when someone/something shoves me in the back. I turn around and see a large cow meandering pass me. I am beginning to feel inferior to the animal kingdom.
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