Friday, August 3, 2018

The Post

The Post
Movie starring Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks
Bryn Mawr Film Institute
Bryn Mawr, PA
January 12, 2018

The movie got great reviews in the previews so I thought I would go to the opening screening in my neighborhood.  I go to matinee movies here frequently and there is usually no more than a dozen or so of us sitting in the dark.  But today, the theatre is packed with lots of us cotton heads.

The movie portrays the dilemma of releasing government documents during the Nixon era.  I remember the events.  I was a junior in high school at the time. I thought Daniel Eilberg was wrong.

The movie was OK.  I thought some of the scenes were weak and I couldn't take Meryl Streep's character seriously. Regardless, the message was not lost with the audience.  We clapped several times during the movie.  I think this topic hit too close to today's world where the media is under attack for being fake.  Trump is attempting to silence the news media just as Nixon tried to do.

And this audience is having none of that.

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