Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tibetan Refugee Camp

Tibetan Refugee Camp
Polahara, Nepal
November 2017

This camp has been here since 1959 and not much has changed.  These people live, here isolated from the rest of the city.  They shear sheep, spin wool and weave all day long.  They chat and joke with each other in their own language.  They continue to wear their native dress. They continue to be Tibetans in every sense of the word.  After I left the shop, I wandered over to the store to see their beautiful weavings.  As I talked to the women, I mentioned that I loved my visit to Tibet.  

One woman chimed in, "You have been to Tibet?"

"Yes," I tell her, "In 1999.  You have a beautiful country."  And then it dawns on me that she has never been to her country.

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