Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Reoccuring Dreams

Reoccurring Dreams

I dream a lot.  I have wild dreams and lots of dreams in a single night.  Most of my dreams reflect the events of my day.  But some of my dreams are reoccurring:

1- My mom comes back from the dead- My dad remarried after my mom died and I have dreams that she never died; she just went missing. Years later, she returns home and my father is faced with the decision of returning to my mother or staying with his second wife.

2- Missing a final exam- I think this is a common dream for those of us who were less than stellar college students.  I dream that I missed a final exam and consequently never earned my BS even though I was under the impression that I graduated.  Years after graduating, I have to come back and take this final exam and my anxiety is through the roof.

3- My malaria dreams- I've had to make malaria medication on several occasions.  These drugs are know for inducing strange dreams but that never seemed to be a problem for me.  However, one week I was in the jungles of Peru along the Amazon River.  Every night I was there, I had the same dream that I feel out of my boat as I was coming ashore.  I was left there and eaten by animals.

When I returned home, I told my doctor about these dreams so she changed my malaria drugs the next time I needed them and I never had dreams again.

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