Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Have You Ever Protested?

Have You Ever Protested? 
Posted on Facebook
October 2017

I posted this question on a group page I manage on Facebook. It followed an article about women from India who protested a gang rape in a small town in India. This was a first for a large crowd of women in this part of the world to stand up to men and the injustices of violence against women.

I posted this article and posed this question. My audience consist mostly of female college students from Nepal. They are enrolled in The World Academy for the Future of Woman, an organization which fosters global leardership in women.

A few people liked the post but no one answered the questions.  So, I specifically asked a few of the women to response.  Most of them stated that women are not allowed to protest, that they have no voice, that boys have all the power. Then one student sent me this private message.

You are really amazing woman. you are doing great job through Internet you are sharing and showing interest to know about what in other country what's going on.

You asked that I ever protested or not. I protested my father have two daughters one me and another my elder sister. my father didn't want a boy and he had done permanent operation but many people compelled him to back that operation and have a boy but my father used to say that my daughters are my son's they can do work as boy so u don't need boy and he ignored many people questions.

Even my grandfather compelled him a lot to back operation and have a boy but also he didn't listen to him. Many society people said that still I remember that day we are born to go other house when we will go other home they will be alone but that time I replied that society that you people really care about us so you always try to make feel that my father had done a mistake.

From that day, I started replying them their questions it was happening to much with us from day too I became a bad girl in fort of them
They started saying bad thing about me they tried to push me down but I never let them to win. I continuously follow my heart and did what I feel better. And my father always support me.

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