Sunday, October 1, 2017


Route 95 South
Wilmington, DE
April 9, 2016

I am driving on Route 95S, going about 65 miles an hour.  I am in the middle lane and something loud zips pass me.  It is a guy on a motorcycle.  He must have been traveling at 90 miles or more because he just came out of nowhere and quickly passed me.  And then another bike passed me and another and another and another.  I didn't see any of them coming up behind me. It was unnerving and I wanted to move over but was too afraid to change lanes for fear that one of them might try to pass me on the right.  So I held my position.  A few seconds later, two more bikes ripped pass me.  Then there was a deafening silence. I couldn't relax until I saw them all take the next exit and I was now confident to move over to the old lady, slow lane.

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