Birds of the Amazon
Summer 2002
I saw these birds. I saw them for just a fleeting moment. Mostly I was on the Amazon River, in a dugout canoe, when I saw them. A guide pointed them out to me and I quickly got my binoculars and looked and looked and looked until I saw a colorful flicker in the trees. Once they were completely out of my sight, I rushed to my bird book and looked up what I supposedly just saw. Most of the time, I could confirm my sighting. Some of them were sketchy and other times, I was flat out off on the sighting. And if I ever had to identify these birds, that just wasn’t going to happen. But for 101 moments, these birds brought me great joy.
1- Amazon flycatcher
2- Amazon kingfisher
3- Amazon mealy parrot
4- American kestrel
5- American Swallow Tail Kite
6- Aracari ticanet
7- Barred Antshrike
8- Beardless tirannulet
9- Black caracara
10- Black chested cuckoo
11- Black collar hawk
12- Black collared hawk
13- Black fronted nunbird
14- Black fronted nunbird
15- Black tailed tityra
16- Black Tailed Trogan
17- Black throated trogan
18- Blackbilled thrash
19- Blackfaced nunbird
20- Blue billed thrush
21- Blue crown tanager
22- Blue crowned anteater
23- Blue Grey Tanager
24- Blue headed parrot
25- Blue tanager
26- Boat billed flycatcher
27- Buff Breasted Wren
28- Buff throated wood creeper
29- Caperel
30- Capped heron
31- Chestnut bellied seedeater
32- Chestnut billed thrush
33- Chestnut eared toucan
34- Cobalt winged parrots
35- Colbolt parrot
36- Common black vulture
37- Covered winged parakeet
38- Crimson breasted manakin
39- Dusky capped flycatcher
40- Great black hawk
41- Great kiskadee
42- Great tinamou
43- Greater ani
44- Greater Manakin
45- Green kingfisher
46- Grey Flycatcher
47- Ladder tail nightjar
48- Laughing falcon
49- Lesser kiskadee
50- Lineated Wood Creeper
51- Lineated woodpecker
52- Masked crimson tanager
53- Masked Tityra
54- Mealy parrot
55- Ondulated tinamou
56- Opal crowned tanager
57- Opal rumped tanager
58- Orange Bellied Euphonia
59- Paradise jacamar
60- Paradise tanager
61- Plumbeos kite
62- Red capped cardinal
63- Red capped manakin
64- Ring-necked kingfisher
65- Roadside Hawk
66- Rough wing swallow
67- Ruddy ground dove
68- Ruffed Winged Swallow
69- Scarlet crowned barbet
70- Scarlet macaw
71- Schonen flycatcher
72- Short tail swift
73- Short tailed parrot
74- Shorttailed pygmy tyrane
75- Silver beaded tanager
76- Smooth billed ani
77- Social flycatcher
78- Southern Ruffed Winged Swallow
79- Strided heron
80- Strong billed wood creeper
81- Swallow tailed kite
82- Swallowed Winged Puff Bird
83- Thrashed Like Wren
84- Tropical kingbird
85- Turkey vulture
86- Turquoise Tanager
87- Variable Chachalaca
88- Velvet fronted grackle
89- White Eared Jacamar
90- White egret
91- White Mulliparrot
92- White necked heron
93- White Necked Thrush
94- White tailed manakin
95- White Tailed Trogan
96- White throated Theresa
97- White Vented Euphonia
98- White Winged Swallow
99- Yellow rump cacique
100- Yellow tufted woodpecker
101- Yellowheaded caracara
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