Saturday, November 12, 2016

Life-Changing Moments

Life-Changing Moments

I’ve had more spectacular moments than others. I’ve had an abundance of great opportunities. I’ve had very profound events that shaped who I am.

  • Ø      Becoming an aunt- December 1980- I have 16 nieces and nephews and 6 great nieces and nephews.

  • Ø     Earning my master’s degree- May 1981- Med- Secondary Counseling

  • Ø    Becoming a guidance counselor- August 1981- Loyalsock High School, Williamsport, PA- I loved every minute of that job.  I was a counselor here and at Jenkintown High School as well.

  • Ø  Traveling to India- Spring 1994- what a magical place: the people, the colors, the smells, the food, the poverty, the gold, the rich people, the buildings.  It is sensation overload for me every time I go to India.

  • Ø  Traveling to Thailand- July 1992- This was my first trip to Asia and it was so different from anything I have ever seen.

  • Ø  Taking the blind kids to church- 1966- Overbrook School for the Blind, Philadelphia, PA- I took the kids there to church on Sundays when I was in 6th grade.  It’s hard to feel sorry for yourself when you surround yourself with people who have more challenges than you and they aren’t complaining.

  • Ø  Traveling to Italy- April 1973- This was my first trip abroad and the wanderlust bit me in the ass.

  • Ø  Becoming a high school principal- July 1992- Stroudsburg High School, Stroudsburg, PA- There were moments when I wasn’t sure if I was going to graduate from high school.  So sometimes it overwhelmed me to think that I would become a high school principal.  I never minimized the importance of my responsibilities.

  • Ø  Taking up kayaking- September 2004- I’ve wanted to do this for years but I was always too afraid, I decided to face my fears and do this before I hit 50 years old.

  • Ø  Reading JD Salinger- 1972- He is my favorite author and I have read his works over and over and over again. After I started to read him, I started to read on a regular basis.

  • Ø  Starting college at Brandywine Junior College in Wilmington Delaware- September 1973- I never thought I was smart enough to go to college.  Starting was a big step and I continued to earn a BS, an MEd and a DEd.

  • Ø  Transferring to Penn State University- January 1975- I loved my time at Penn State.

  • Ø  Being a Girl Scout- 1964 to 1966- I learned how to give back to others during this time.

  • Ø  Traveling to China to teach for the World Academy for the Future of Women at Sias University- Spring semester 2012- This time was the longest time I have ever spent in one country.  I left with a much better understanding of the people and the culture.

  • Ø  Retiring from education after 30 years- July 2010- I have so much damn freedom.

  • Ø  Losing 50 pounds- 2010-2011- I have new-found mobility.