Sunday, November 27, 2016



I volunteer my time to work for CARE, an international nonprofit organization that focuses on eradicating poverty by empowering women and children. Their work is currently in 95 countries, reaching millions and millions of people in developing countries.

I am a citizen advocate and I go to Capitol Hill once a year to meet with lawmakers and encourage them to vote for legislation that offers humanitarian relief to the 250 million people in this world who live in abject poverty. I feel a sense of urgency and great sadness to see how easy it would be to address so many of these issues that affect the quality of life for so many people. Eradicating much of our poverty is within our reach today. But determining solutions has become so political that we would rather allow people to die now than to prove our politics wrong.

Efforts to help others in need should never be political but should always be the focus of all humanity.