Sunday, August 21, 2016

Church of Irreverence

I almost bought this church. I thought it would be funny for me, a most irreverent person to own a church.  It had been vacant for a number of years and in need of lots of repait.  But I thought I would throw a few bucks into it, live up in the loft and rent out the bottom to people who wanted a church wedding but didn't belong to a church.  

There used to be a marquee on the left side.  I was going to post:  Sinners welcomed. Saints, go to hell. Managed by the Sisters of the Mostly Demented.  I thought this idea was hilarious.  But then I realized that this business would only interest me for a very short time because I would have to be up early every Friday and Saturday, cleaning up for strangers' weddings.  After a few days of thought, I threw this idea away.

It's been ten years since I first saw this church and it is still empty.  The marquee is long gone and so it appears are any thoughts of this place entertaining anyone for any reason.

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