Things that really drives me crazy:
- · People who merge too soon on the highway and then get annoyed at me for merging at the very last opportunity;
- · Having to give Christmas gifts to everybody in the office. Nobody really wants a gift from me;
- · People who end their sentences with the preposition;
- · Getting up early in the morning;
- · Stockings and pantyhose-I hate to wear stockings;
- · Christmas carols- I hate every Christmas carols. I hate that we have to listen to them for one whole month. I hate to talk about them;
- · Early morning talk shows- they’re never interesting and they’re never funny;
- · Tipping- this is a stupid way to compensate people for their work. they should just be given a livable wage;
- · Miniature golf- it’s a boring game;
- · Many of my neighbors- they don’t mind their own business;
- · The day after a big snowstorm- I like the first day. I like the fresh snow. Thereafter life is burdensome until it all melts away;
- · People who come knocking at my door uninvited- I don’t answer the door when they knock. I don’t want to talk to them. I’m busy even if I’m not really busy. They just need to go away;
- · All of my socks that no longer have mates- where did that extra sock go? I’m now left with no other recourse but to where miss matched socks all the time;
- · Putting on a bathing suit what it’s still damp- that’s a creepy sensation;
- · Light beer- I hate light beer. I hate when people offer me light beer and tell me it taste good. it taste like crappy water;
- · Paying for electric bills- I know I use electricity but how do I know that my electric bill is really accurate;
- · Junk mail- I hate all the crap that come to my house. Most of the time my mail does not even come into my house. I just throw it out the trashcan;
- · I hate that star buck’s misuses words to describe the sizes of their coffee cups. When I want a small coffee, I don’t want to ask for a grandee coffee;
- · Superficial sales people- they don’t have to like me just because I bought something. Just wrap it up neatly, take my money and send me on my way. I don’t want their glee;
- · Windows 8- I hate it. It’s just different enough that it’s too difficult for me to use and there are times I want to take a hammer to my keyboard but fortunately to date I haven’t done that. I’ve come very close but fortunately not close enough;
- · Sales people who are trying to get me to upgrade my phone- I haven’t learned how to use the phone I currently have.
- · People who celebrate Cincho de Mayo on May 4 or May 6;
- · Waiting at traffic light and there’s nobody at any of the intersections; I’m there alone, just waiting. That’s a waste of time;
- · The annoying nagging of the voice on my GPS when I have made a wrong. Stop telling me to make a U-turn whenever possible;
- · Wearing my eyeglasses all of the time- I have to wear my glasses to see, to hear and now to eat. I’m getting old;
- · Shaving my legs- I wish I had never shaved my legs I’m really not that hairy I probably could’ve gotten away without ever shaving my legs but Now I’m stuck shaving them from time to time;
- · Wearing a bra- I hate wearing a bra. It’s so confining I love that moment at the end of the day when the bra comes off. I feel free at last, free at last free, at last.