Sunday, February 7, 2016

Morphine and Meth

We just arrived home from his daily radiation treatment. It is obvious that he is in pain but he tries so hard to hide this fact from me. He wanders over to his medication stash on the kitchen counter.

"What day is it?" he asks in a befuddled tone.

"It's Friday", I tell him.

"And the time, what time is it?"

"It's one in the afternoon on Friday", I tell him calmly even though I am heartbroken to see him so disoriented.

"I am just so confused anymore", he admits with shame.

"Well, the morphine and the meth will do that to you," I tell him with a heavy heart.

"Yea, I guess it will",  he responds sadly.

Sloane Kettering Cancer Center
New Jersey
March 20, 2015

RIP Rick
 March 27, 2015