Camel Ride
Spring 1994
Kathy was hesitent but I was more persistent and so we approached the two guys who were offering rides. They only had one camel so they told us we had to go one at a time. And we were going to be lead by one of them so that the camel didn't get away from our control. With that thought of safety, I threw away my thoughts of galloping down the beach.
I forgot why but Kathy went first. And both of us were unprepared for the awkward struggle it takes to get this tall, lanky animal off the ground. I thought Kathy was going to fall off before the animal even made its final assent from the ground. He began to drool and he shook his head and glops of warm, slimy drool hit most of us. It didn't hit me because i back away with a speed that even impressed me. And then, off Kathy went with this complete stranger as I waited my turn. I did hear Kathy call out in discomfort and fear but I dismissed her cries because i was now trying to find the courage to admit that I was not getting on this smelly animal.
When Kathy returned and hobbled off, she tried to assure me that the ride wasn't "too bad, it's a little scary but I survived," she told me without any real conviction in her voice.
"I'll have to take your word on that," I tell her. "I am not getting on that damn thing, let's go," I announced.
And off we went. She was relieved to be off the top of this beast and I was relieved for never trying.