SIAS International University
Henan Province, china
Spring 2012
November 2015
Founded in 1998, Sias International University in Henan Provence, China attempt to merge western creativity with eastern work ethics. Every student, for which there are 24,000, must take English classes which are taught primarily by Evangelical Christians who come here to fulfill a missionary obligation with their American christian university. Because their professional labor is so cheap, university look the other way as long as the preaching remains discrete.
The campus building were designed to resemble monuments and architectural styles from around the world. The end result of this effort is a campus that is being to look a lot like Vegas. There is Italian Square and German Street and Spanish Square. The new library looks like a Mayan Temple and the Administration Building looks a lot like Monticello.
There are grand water fountains that spit out so much water that the dorms frequently lose access to water for the rest of the afternoon whenever the fountains are on.
The students love this campus. They speak of its beauty with pride that is genuine. However, there is no regard to the problems of litter as trash is everywhere, particularly in the classrooms.