Monday, June 1, 2015

English Lesson; Sort of.

English Lesson: Sort Of...

Friday, July 19, 2013
Women's Empowerment Group
Jacmel, Haiti

“Goo mooring, Madame, hell a you?”  So ends my first week of English lessons in the women’s group.  I have been trying in vain to learn Creole but nothing, absolutely nothing is sticking in my brain.  At best, I have learned one phrase and I am not getting that right.  “Hot, Hot” is either show-show or so-so or shoe-shoe.  And no matter which one I use, I am wrong and not understood.  So I think it will be easier on all of us if they learn English.  So each morning, I greet the women individually with “good morning, Madame, how are you. They return the greeting and laugh with delight that they now speak English.

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