March 2024
PA, MD, NY, Switzerland, Lichtenberg
1- F- PA
Tricia and I went to see the play, Beauty and the Beast, at Mastermind High School. Georgia was in the play. She was a dancing dinner plate.
Jerrie called me. She wants me to join her in NYC for the UN Conference. I really think I should make the effort to go there. When else will I have the opportunity to present at a UN Conference?
Over 1000 people viewed my blog today. Who are they?
2- SA- PA
I took two sleeping pills and slept soundly all day long.
I slept so well that I had one of my reoccuring school dreams and woke up and went back to sleep and had another school dream. This time, I was at a hearing to determined who agreed to pay me to war at my high school after I retired.
KT and I attempted to find a place to visit for her spring break. After an hour, we concluded that we really aren't interested in going anywhere at this time. So we have Newfoundland in the summer or the UK in the spring.
So I have it in the back of my mind that I am going to drive to Texas to see the border. It's something Ive wanted to do for a number years and I've gotten to the point that I dont beleive anyone on either side fo the debate.
3- SU- PA
OMG, it is a gorgeous day so I spent the afternoon at LeVante's brewery (1) with a few people from CS. And then I had to go to bed when I got home because I had a bad effect for the alcohol even though I didn't drink much more than I usually drink. My system can no longer handle alcohol. I should really give it up. But I like to drink beer and I like to socialize in a bar.
4- M- PA
I suffered last night. And that was my fault. I drank more than I usually drink. And I was uncomfortable all damn night.
I just checked my stats on this blog and another blog and both of them are racking up views.
Sharon had a good Great Dames event today. The speaker is fromm the Gambia and she has been instrumental in passing legislation on FGM. She talked about how the laws are in place but the religion and culture are not.
5- TU- PA
Tricia and I went birding at Middlecreek Wildlife to see the snow geese migration. She was excited. I was disappointed. there weren't enough birds for my satisfaction.
My dad died 19 years ago today and that does not seem possible.
6- W- PA
I leave for Switzerland in the midafternoon. I am not taking my laptop with me which will be a first after many years of taking my laptop with me everywhere I go. I am a little hesitant to do this but I also want to see if I can push me away from my computer/internet obsession.
7- TH- Switzerland
I arrived in Zurich around 9 AM and my hotel would not be available until 3. But I went there anyway and they worked to accommodate me and I was in y room by noon. I had a big ass breakfast while I waited and when I got to my room, I was full, hydrated and ready for a good afternoon of sleep. I got up just I'm time to go to the restaurant next door and have a pasta dinner which is just what i wanted/
8- F- Switzerland
Aftr some searching I found the Bierwerkzuri brewery (2) in Zurich. My beers were delicious.
The two keys, Y and Z, are switched on the Swizz keyboards
The train system is so clean, dependable and easy to use. I struggled with understanding the computer system to order tickets. I could have used some help.
I booked day trips for the next two days.
in a lot fo pain with my hip
I walked 10,200 steps today.
9- SA- Switzerland
I love, love love the food kiosks in the train station. Everything that is sold looks as if it is gourmet. Id like to come here with a few people and do a progressive dinner. There is so much variety and the food is reasonable compared to every other place in the city.
I had another damn work dream.
I was on the train all damn day. The Alps are beautiful. Interlaken is an adorable little town.
I walked 7400 steps today.
10- SU- Switzerland/Lictenbrg
Today's trip was a good bus tour.
My lunch was $40 for three fish sticks, some potato wedges and two glasses of water. I got ripped off.
I walked 11,400+ steps today.
Twitter: Do you think Putin may co-sign the orange idiot’s lawsuit fines? Trump shouldn’t have access to any classified information. He’s too desperate and dangerous.
11- M- Switzerland/PA
My efforts to get home were easy and effortless. We took off at 10 AM but for some reason, spent much of the trip flying in night skies. I couldn't figure out how we stayed in so much darkness as were were flying pass areas that were already in dawn.
The airline food as absoltleuy shitty. I couldn't eat the main meal because it was so lousy. I had the ice cream treat. And then for brunch, they served a wrap with chick peas and a curry sauce that was dreadful. I had a little bit of motion sickness as we were landing and I threw up in my mouth and had to consume that foul tasting wrap twice as a result.
I got home late afternoon and just hung in my apartment. I'm not ready to hang with th CS people just yet. It was nice to plop in my bed but then my thoughts raced to that old question, "OK, now where to I go next?"
I walked 5500+ steps today.
12- TU- PA
OMG, it is a beautiful spring day. Winter is officially over for me today as it is 60F. The sun is out. my balcony door is wide open. There are a few things growing in my garden. And it warm enough to sit on my balcony. Life is good and I think I will clean my red puff jacket and put it away until next winter.
I went and got blood work and am hopeful that my protein count and Vitamin D counts are where they need to be. I have been working on both of these issues.
I didn't walk today which is a bit of a disappointment in myself is have been so good these last ten days. But i am still sluggish from my travels.
I spent the evening in the lounge with Kevin and Joanna. We haven't seen each other for a few weeks so it was good to catch up. I had particular stout that I wanted to share with them. Kevin brought a Smithwicks with him and we just sat at a table and chatted each other up. It was a nice evening.
13- W- PA
I slept well and slept too damn late. There was a podcast I wanted toliten to before I got up. But as I listened, I kept falling back to sleep and missed critical information about the story. So I would have to listen again and again and I still dont have all the facts after listening to it five times.
I have to get back in to the swing of life. I can't blame jet lag for my inactivilyty.
The results of my bloodwork came back and I have a few big concerns. My glucose is bad. And that is my fault becasue I ate too much junk on my trip. I have to go back to my no sugar diet. My protein is too low and that surprises me as I have been adding this damn plant based mix to my smoothies. And my Vitamin D is too low. I need to go see a nutritionist.
But on a good note, over 800+ people viewed my blog. This is such mystery to me.
In the afternoon, Kristen joined me in the lounge and she gave me a CBT gummy. She told me that it would calm me. I took it and about an hour later, I was so wired, I had to get up to my apartment and take cover. My brain was spacey and it was unnerving.
It was another gorgeous day.
I had an appointment with the osteoporosis dr and she is not worried about my high glusocse numbers. That's a load off my mind. She is going to order the gel shots for me which I will take in August so my knees will be in good shape for my Spetmebr gorilla trip and that is a load off my mind.
We had our St Patrick's Day party. It was nice but a bit quiet for this celebration.
It was another beautiful day but I didn't get much done. I've had a bout of nausea and it's been hard to get up and go with this chronic urge to throw up. I finally took some anti-nausea medication. Hopefully, that will do the trick.
I did go to the post office to mail a box. But the PO was closed due to staffing issues. So I went to Carlino's gourmet store and spend too, too much money and left with three things.
In the early evening, I went to Giant and paid much less than that and left with 4 bags of groceries.
In worlds news, Mike Pence announced that he would not be endorsing the orange idiot for the next presidential election. This news should send school waves around the country but it hasn't. we have all become numb to trump's bad behaviors.
I walked 5000+ steps today.
16- SA- PA
It's Sally's bday party. She turns 70 tomorrow. We've been friends for 50 years and I still eellike we are in our 20's. How did we get to be damn old.
The orange idiot announced today that there will be a blood bath if he is not reelected in November. Let that be a wake up call to all who are on the fence with Biden. Trump is dangerous.
`17- SU- PA
It's St. Patrick's Day and I didn't go out to celebrate this year. I had no spirit for it.
I ran in to my neighbor, Todd. I don't think I have seen him for over a year. He was drunk and interested in chatting with me even though he couldn't remember my name and couldnt quite figure out who I was. He just knew I was a familiar face. I asked him he was a beer drinker and he said he was. I told him about our occasional beer tastings and he seemed genuinely enthused about the idea of participating. I will have to remember to invite him to the next one we have.
I booked a hotel for tomorrow night in NYC. Now I can go to the UN to listen to the WAFW presentation. It will be helpful for me to reconnect with this group. I am still sadder that I will not be going to China this spring.
18- M- PA/NY
I took the train to NYC to be with my WAFW people. They were giving a presentation at the UN.
19- TU- NY/PA
I hated leaving my beautiful hotel room. This spot was a vacation within itself. I did go up to the 33rd floor with a cup of coffee and had every intention of sitting on the roof top and enjoy the view. But it was too damn windy so I went inside and enjoyed the view from there. I chatted ups couple from Kansas who were here for the first time.
I had a $70 brunch with Annum. We had cream cheese frisch toast that's so good that we coolant talk to each other as we ate. We just wanted to enjoy the moment.
Once I got back on the road, I stopped at the Naked Brewery (3) and I really liked the place. I had wanted to go her fro a few months becasue of the name alone. But it never worked out for me. So I was happy to go here today. My beers were great. The bartender was friendly and wanted to talk and she let me go on a don about my beer list. So it was a fun stop.
20- W- PA
In the afternoon, I went to the Cabrini movie with Joanna.
21- TH- PA
Tricia and I went to visit Jimmy. He looks pretty good after his surgery.
22- F- PA
I drove up to Pottstown to the Sunset Hill Brewery. (4) I enjoyed my beers but I didn't like the brewery. There was a lousy vibe to the place.
23-SA- PA
It's cold and rainy and miserable outside today. So I didn't get my sorry ass anywhere but the lounge. I hung here much of the afternoon. I came down to watch Caitlin Clarke play for Iowa State U in March Madness. Tricia texted me to let me know that she was playing at 3PM. I tried to find the game on TV and asked Siri for the channel info. That damn AI idiot told me that the next game for Caitlin would be tomorrow. So I didn't watch it. But two hours later, Tricia said she had just watched it at home. So now I can't count on Siri for the really important information in my life.
I made arrangements for my eclipse road trip. I am going to leave on April 7 and drive up to Syracuse. I got a hotel room for a reasonable price. That leaves me about 1 1/2 hours away from Rochester. So I will get up on the 8th and drive as close as I can to the epicenter. I can catch some time at the Montozuma Wildlife Refuge to see my snow geese and I will come back to Syracuse for the night and then go home on April 9. I cant wait. I have to remember to bring my special $1 solar eclipse glasses.
24- SU- PA
My dad would be 96 today. I can't beleive that it's been 19 years since he died.
The day was gorgeous.
I dropped some clothing off to Green Drop and as I was driving, I noticed that Serum was finally open. I think it took almost 2 years to renovate this bar. So I tried to get a few people to come with me for a drink but I couldn't get any takers. So maybe I can get this this week.
Something is seriously wrong with my eyesight. My vision is so blurred that I cant read anything. everything is doubled. This is a huge problem. I need new glasses. These are dysfunctional and they are only less than a 11/2 years old.
So I mad an eye appointment but I couldn't get one before April 10. I'll have to wait. I hope things dont get any worse.
An hour later: my eye sight is fine now. I can read again.
An hour later: my vision is blurred again. I hope I am not going blind.
Annum called me to tell she fell, hurt herself and doesn't know what to do.
25- M- PA/MD
I'm off to the beach for a few days. I have a suite room on on the beach with a balcony and a great view of the ocean. I can't wait. I did have to pull out my puff jacket and vest which annoyed me becasue I had already put that away for the winter. And to bring it back out is a surrender and an embarrassment.
I checked in with Annum and she went to Urgent Care in the middle of the night and discovered that she broke her tail bone. She's in a lot of pain and on some heavy duty pain killers.
I got to my hotel at 4 PM and was greeted by the receptionist as, "You are the no show from yesterday." What??? Apparently, I booked the hotel for Sunday-Tuesday. I thought I booked for Monday-Wednesday. And becasue there were only 4 other people in the hotel, it wasnt a problem to accommodate my error.
It was cold, windy, bitter, cloudy and unpleasant which was a shame becasue my balcony was wonderful. But I couldn't hang to there. And the beach was completely empty. And the waves were wild.
Driving around the main roads, I am overwhelmed with the number of hotels in this area. I don't think there are any single dwellings in Ocean City. It's just mostly high rise hotels. I just cant image how dreadful this place must be in the summer. I don't know how they can even find enough people just to clean the hotel rooms. And it doesnt appear as if they have enough restaurants to accommodate the tourists. it must be miserable.
I slept well so that meant I missed the sun rise over the ocean. But I am sure there wasn't much to see as it was cloudy. And it was still cold and windy and miserable.
The news was filled with the story of the Key Bridge in Baltimore. A ship ran in to it and crashed the entire bridge. Construction workers and people in their cars went in to the water and no one knows how many people are in the water.
I texted Ryan to see if he was safe. He told me that he never takes this bridge to get to work. But, really, who cares what bridge anyone takes. Now they are all suspicious of falling down.
I went to Sinepuxtent Brewery. (5) I've been here before and I wasn't sure how I felt about it then. But I liked it a bit more today. I had a coffee pilsner, an IPA, a hazy IPA and a DIPA. My beers were good but I was so damn full when I finished that I couldn't bring myself to go to another brewery.
So, instead, I found a seafood restaurant and had an early dinner. I had delicious crab legs, steamed clams and lots of shrimp. And I ate all of it. This is exactly why I want t come to the beach. I could eat like this every night.
When I got back to my hotel, I tried to hang outside on the balcony until the sun went down. But it was still too damn cold and windy.
27- W- MD/PA
I left Ocean City around 11AM and I think I will not come back here again. It doesn't offer me much. The sun was finally up when I got up. So I went out to the balcony and it was still too cold and windy to hang there. So I backed my bags and checked out.
28- TH- PA
I can not figure out what is going on with my blog. I have it on a defunct platform and for three years, it didn't receive any views. And now, 300+ each day are reading it. Where are these people finding my blog? and are they bored senseless?
I had a full agenda of things to do today. But then Glenn texted me in th morning and asked if I wanted to meet them at a brewery in the last afternoon. Of course, i said yes and now, all of my plans have been derailed because i can only do one big thing a day anymore. So I spent the day scrolling and texting and posting and picking up and rearranging and waiting for 4:00 when it is time to leave for the brewery.
So I met Sharon and Glenn at the Bald Bird Brewery (6) and we had a fun time. But, of course, I love to sit in a brewery in the afternoon and just bullshit. there isnt a better way to spend the afternoon.
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