Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 2023

October 2023

Greenland, Iceland, PA, DE, DC, NY

 1- SU - Leaving Greenland 

Our last expedition was a zodiac tour. Amy warned us that it is going to be cold so we should dress in layers.  Another expedition leader also got on the PA and suggested we layer up.  So, I stopped getting dressed and put my boots away. My trip was over. I didn’t need to see any more ice.


In the afternoon, Yvonne gave another talk on the ice sheet situation. It was over my head, but it is abundantly clear that we are in trouble as all this ice continues to melt away.  The melted ice is raising our sea levels and saturating our atmosphere.  So, our tropical storms are only going to be more intense.


After dinner, there was a bar talk about being a young, female pilot in Texas.


Around midnight, we hit the sea as the ship took one hit after other from ice blocks.  The port holes were closed for the rest of the trip.


I was awaken several times throughout the night from the bumps and knocks of the waves and ice knocking against the ship. It was intense. 


2-M- At Sea


We had a rocky day at sea.  Most of us hung in our cabins and tried to avoid vomiting. Walking in the hallways was tough.  I skipped breakfast.  For lunch, I made it to the dining hall but quickly grabbed a piece of chicken and went right back to my cabin.  By the time it was evening, we seemed to be out of the roughest seas, and I could sit and enjoy my meal.

Emergency meeting to tell us that we will be arriving hours off schedule.


At one point the waves were so high, it looked as if we could have gone surfing along side of the boat.  It was rough out there.


The Captain’s Farewell Reception was held right before dinner.  The expedition team showed up in various types of scarves and ties of the tartan plaid designed to show the polar seas.  They looked nice.


After dinner, the resident photographer showed us his photo slide show of our journey. I didn’t see the hare, the musk ox running, the artic fox or the piles of ox hair found on bushes along the way.  But I saw enough.  I saw a vast, cold, artic land that would be better off without us, homo sapiens.  We are destroying this corner of the world and that will have a devastating effect on the rest of the world. And it appears as if we are running out of time to fix this damage and the results will be irreversible.


I was able to secure a copy of the journey's photo slide show today so now I can show it to people when I return home. I just know everyone wants to see this 17 minute video.


Once the photo show was over, we all slithered down to our cabins and took cover, in hopes that we would soon be in the protected channel and out of these rough seas.


 3- TU- Arriving in Iceland


Today was a day of hurry up and wait.


Our luggage had to be outside our cabins by 8 and we had to be out of our cabins by 10.  So, we all spent 3 hours in the lounge, waiting to arrive in Rejvakiv.  I sat with two women who were good company and I wish I had met them earlier in the trip.


Craig gave a lecture on the history of whaling.  I wonder how much more we can take from the sea. I don’t know how we haven’t depleted it yet with all of the fishing and whaling we have done for centuries.


DeDe is asking a few people about some of the recent books she’s read and enjoyed.


The crew is stressed out as they are trying to shut down the ship and yet, we still need to be feed at some point.  They quickly put together a little lite fair lunch which consisted mostly of cakes and candies and a few veggie wraps.


As we get closer to shore, the people with the afternoon flights are becoming more anxious.  If we get in around 1PM, there is a small liklyhood that the 4PM flight people will make it.  But that seems unlikely at this moment, and I am so grateful that my flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow morning.  My only worry for the day is to secure a way to get to the airport tomorrow for 10 AM flight.

4- W- Iceland, Canada, PHL, West Chester 

Today was a day of travel.  I set my alarm for 5:30 AM to begin the day.  The param didnt go off but I really didn't sleep much at all.  And when I checked my phone, I had mistakenly put in a 5:30 PM alarm.

So I got up, made my way to the bus stop to go to the airport.  I took a flight to Toranto and then off to PHL and then got a very expensive taxi ride to West Chester and made my way to my apartment and as I dropped my things on the floor, my 5:30 PM alarm went off and I went off to bed.

I walked over 6000 steps today.

5- TH- PA

The fire department was here early in the AM to test the alarm systems.  So that annoying buzz went off and on all damn morning.  OMG, why couldn't they have done this while I was away.

I went grocery shopping and spent $70 and I still don't feel as if I have anything to eat here.  I did get cream fro my coffee, so that is a start to going back to normality.

I am having a bit of a motion problem today.  I feel like I am swaying a bot.  I was in the shower and I had to hold on the wall at one point.  Walking down the hallway, I felt as if the floor was titled.  It was as if I had to get my land legs readjusted from being at sea for so long.

Sharon and I spoke for almost an hour as she recanted her book launch.  I am sorry I missed it.

I went on Facebook to check on my friend, Libby.  In early September, she had posted a dreadful photo of her in a hospital bed.  She was unrecognizable to me I checked in with her and she has had terrible health problems but she indicated to me that she was on the upswing.  When I looked tonight, I discovered that she died on the day I left for Greenland. This is upsetting news as she was so full of life. We traveled together through Northern Europe in the spring of 2013.  She was great fun and so much a part of that trip. There is a little less joy in the world without her.

On a happy trash picking note, I had a big find this evening.  I went on to the recycle bin in the trash room and found an outstanding power cord that fits my dying, 9 year old computer.  I was so damn happy.  Thats about a $40 find.

I walked over 5000 steps.

Twitter: I think siding with Gaetz on the removal of McCarthy is going to backfire on us. Gym Jordan is not a better choice. I wish the Ds had let Gaetz’s motion fail. That would have been a stronger message. #VoteBlue


6- F- PA

I hung around the apartment today and did mostly nothing but I did do a couple loads of wash.  I mopped and vacuumed the floors.  I continued to unpack from my trip.  I did go to the pharmacy and pick up my drugs.  I did take a walk around town.  I did reconnect with Nick, Sara and Kim so now the security people all know I am back in town. I went to my local sandwich shop and got three sandwiches to eat throughout the weekend. I uploaded more photos on my social media. I tended to my plants which weathered my three weeks of neglect. I chatted with Sue D. AND... I walked over 5000 steps.  So I guess it was a pretty good day after all.

7- SA- PA

A young woman was walking down the hallway and stopped me to tell me that she is enjoying reading my hotel door signs that I put on my apartment door handle.  When I go to a hotel, I take the door tags and leave them outside my door and I think I am so damn funny.  It was a boost to my ego to be acknowledged by this stranger. I am so easily reinforced.

Kevin and JoJo had a party in the lounge. Kevin's college friends were in town for the weekend and by Saturday night, JoJo had had enough of them. Andy, from the building, was also at the party and we spent the night in random conversations with Kevin's friends.  Pete came down late in to the party. He had forgotten that he was invited to join us. I sent him a text to remind him and he came down. And then, at some point, they all left at once. So Kevin, and JoJo and Pete and Andy and I just sat in the lounge and chatted.

Pete told us that he has liver cancer. He seemed calm about the situation.  But he told us that he thought he was sick.  So he is giving up alcohol which has been the source of his escape from the death of his wife last December.

8- SU- PA

As I slipped in to bed, I couldn't remember if I took a sleeping pill.  I thought I had but I wasn't completely sure but I decided not to get up and take one just to be safe and I am glad I didnt.  I feel asleep quickly and stayed asleep until 8:30 and then got up to hydrate and slipped back in to bed and woke up at 2:30 PM.  I was sound asleep that whole time. And then I found another blanket because my apartment had an Autumn chill.  And I listened to podcasts and YouTube and sent messages to people and all of the sudden, it was 7:30 PM and I still didnt get up.  I was content where I was.  I didn't get up and get dressed until 9ish and I dont care.  It was relaxing to be such a lazy ass today.

I did send an email to Jerrie and she called me right back to tell me that things for our WAFW program in china are tense.  Jerrie is not allowed on campus as she has been deemed a "person of interest" with the campus Communist party.  Our program hasn't started yet and I have not received approval to teach there in December. I assured Jerrie that I am still committed to going to China.

9- M- PA/NJ

Chris would be 66 today. Fuck them.

I hung in the lounge for a little bit as there was a man working on my balcony and I didn't want to be in my apartment with him.  So Paulo and I sat down and loved all of the political issues with our country.  And then we gossiped about all those dreadful men who lived here when I first moved it.

It was a great day for a drive so I went to Robbinsville, NJ to see the new Hindu Temple that opened up yesterday.  The newspaper article indicated that it would be open to the public fo r the next ten days.  But I must have misunderstood the article becasue I was not allowed in to the site.  it's a huge campus with a cultural center and a temple.  Lots of cars were being let in but I was not one of the lucky ones to get pass the guard.  I will have to go back later this month.

I stopped at Neshaminy Brewery (1)- NJ.  Ive been here before and this place doesn't thrill me.  I had two pumpkin ales and two IPAs.

I'm listening to the book, I'm Glad My Mother Died and I think I have to agree with the author.  That mother was a big, fat, fucking, mean spirited pain in the ass. She was brutal to her daughter. I love listening to a good story.

Now that my China trip is on hold, I am at a bit of a loss.  I always have a big trip ahead of me.  My big trip is on hold and I don't know what I should book a few months out because I don't know when we will get the OK to come back on campus and, if we can go back, I'm going back.

Horrific events are going on in Israel.  They were attacked by Hamas over the weekend and now war has been declared and the West Bank is being blown up in to little pieces.  Hostages, including Americans, have been taken and some of them are being executed. 

10- TU- PA

I finished my audiobook, I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy. What a dreadful woman this mother was.  I was glad she died, too.

In the afternoon, I went to Philly to have an early dinner with Sharon and Genn.  We walked to the waterfront and sat outside and had tacos and beers and then we went to a pub near their house and had another round of beers.

I heard from Sharon's college roommate who lives in Israel.  She and her family are well but terrified.

And I walked 10,000 steps and I am exhausted.

11- W- PA

I was exhausted from walking so much yesterday but still I took a sleeping pill.  So I really slept well last night.  I didn't wake up until 10:30ish.  I got up and got something to drink and slipped back in bed and didn't wake up again until 2:30.  Then I turned on a new podcast series and got hooked on it and I had to force myself to get up by 5. 

Of course, I had wild dreams and I seem to be having more dreams going going back to PSU for a semester.  I am not really working towards any degree.  I just seem to be here and existing.  It's almost like these dreams symbolize moments in life when I need to drop out but still  be somewhat productive.

I had to double check but I was sure there was an event in the lounge today.  There was an event to celebrate breast cancer survivors. Just a few of the regulars attened.  And I now have Krissy trained that she had delicious beers to drink.  She even had two kinds  of pumpkin beers. And since I was the only one who drank these beers, Zac gave me a six pack to go.  That made my day.

Several of us stayed in the lounge and watched the Phillies win their baseball game.  It was a great game: 10-2.  We won handsomely and it was fun to watch in the lounge with a group of people.

I called Sam and we chatted about an hour. I think once you have cancer, people think you always have cancer.  Whenever we talk, I have to give her a full medical update and I have to reassure her that my cancer is gone.

12- TH- PA

Jaye texted me early to day and we made plans to get together for dinner. We went to Slow Hands.  I had never been here before and it wa OK.  Im not sure I will go back again.

I came home just in time to watch the next Phillies game.  It was nerve wracking.  We were always ahead but it was too close to comfort and the tension was unreal.  I was all wired out by the time the game was over.  Anyway, we won and now we move on to a new series of games that start on Monday.

13- F- PA

I had to close my balcony door because my apartment was so cold this morning when I got out of bed.  That's a surrender.  It's too early to close down for the winter.  Maybe there will be a few warm days next week and I can open it again.  I think I opened it last April.  So, 6 months without closing my balcony door is pretty good.

I started listening to a new book, A Man Called Ove. I saw the movie last year and liked it. Lets see how the book works out.

In the afternoon, I went to the movies to see Flora and Son. I love to go to the movies in the afternoon.  I haven't been to an evening movie for so long.  It' been years.

I'm in a social media fight with people from the Catholic Church.  Someone posted a video of 5000 priests and nuns walking through Time Square at rush hour on a Friday night. There was a bit of bragging about this congestion.  I posted the question as to why would they inconvenience so many people.  The responses came back with a spew of distain for me.  So then I posted that all I saw was a parade of pedophiles.  And that statement set off the war. I was responding to them until 2;30AM.  They are mad.

14- SA- PA

I woke up to lots of hate from the Catholics and I wonder why I promote this behavior.  I have a right to vote my opinion but I think I need to stop getting tangled up in all of this bad energy.  I just should not respond to any of their statements.

PSU played today and we beat our opponents 58-0.  That's a boring game.  I watched the game at Tricia's house.  She and I stayed upstairs and watched and Bill watched downstairs.  We can't watch together because Bill demands absolute silent while the game is on.

Mostly, we sat upstairs and talked about the Israeli/Hamas situation.  She, too, had empathy for the Palenstine people.  They are being slaughtered just as the Israelis are.  It's a mess.  And there are now rumors running around that Trump may have given secret documents to Putin.  So I looked it up.  Back in June, there was a statement from Israel defense that thinks Trump compromised their intelligence and gave it to Putin.  He, in turn, gave it to Iran and Iran began working with Hamas.  Now, this situation in the Middle East will distract us and we will forego our efforts to help Ukraine and Putin will rush in, take back Ukraine and move on to other countries to capture.

Twitter: Do you think Trump gave secret intelligence about Israel to Putin and then he gave the info to Iran so that Hamas could invade Israel and then we would be distracted from Ukraine? I do.

15- SU- PA

Stacey and Sally and I went to the Victory brewery (2) for lunch. I would have enjoyed spending the whole afternoon there. But the Eagle's game were on Sally's list of things to watch today. So we only spent about an hour there.

I had dinner at sue's house. Kirsten is in from Germany and it was great to see her again. She came alone this time as there are only 9 students with her this year. We caught up with each other as we ate and watched the Eagles lose their football game.

found Bose earbuds

16- M- PA

OMG, there was another Phillies game to watch tonight. I have never watched so many baseball games as I have this season.

ear buds returned to Greg

17- TU- PA/DE

I had to set my alarm to get up in time to drive to DE and have lunch with annum. She was on fire with anger over her views that the USA is one-sided in the Israeli/Palestine issue.

In the early evening, I drove to have dinner at the Ironhill Brewery (3) in media for have our welcome dinner with Kirsten. Sue, Bobby, Sloane, James, Aiden, Bill and Pat were there. Bobbie picked up the tab and Sue brought delicious bundt cupcakes and I ate like a pid and drank the most delicious pumpkin ale. It was a great dinner.

I got home in time to discover that the Phillies were 2 runs ahead and in the second inning. The game ended with the Phillies winning 10-0. So now we are at 2 wins in a best of 7 series.

In the midst of the game, there was a minor dispute between Kevin and Sharon. Kevin came to the lounge to watch the game. Sharon came down to socialize. At one point, she and Steve were leaning on Kevin's stool and discussing bread recipes. They were chirping away right by his ear and he snapped at her to be quiet. She was offended and came to me to be rescued. I tried to ignore it because I do not want to get in the middle of this minor incident. But when Keith showed up, Sharon let him in on the situation and he decided to mitigate the situation by teasing Kevin about his outburst. That, of course, only angered Kevin and he and Sharon parted with a bit of too much tension.

18- W- PA

I slept in and it felt great because I was so damn tired from yesterday.

The Phillies' fan Club was coming to host a rally in West Chestier this afternoon. Many people here, went and enjoyed the excitement. I stayed behind and had the lounge all to myself. And that was a treat.

Rosina wrote to us to let us know that she finally sold her house and is now moving to Italy. I feel a great loss. I met Rosina in 1966. She lived in my neighborhood. We went to high school together and remained friends all this time. She moved to Italy before but at that time, we were in our 30's and busy with our work lives and families. We only saw each other every five years at our high school reunions and that was enough. But for the last ten years, my high school friends have made it a point to get together on a regular basis and hang with each other. It's as if we are aware that time is running out. And now, she is leaving the pack and hanging with her will be very limited and not enough.

19- TH- PA

The first of Trump's co-defendents has entered a plea deal and plead guilty to election interference. Fuck her, fuck him and fuck all of those who tried to overthrow an election and destroy democracy.

I got my hair cut. It does look shorter but it still looks like I need a hair cut.

There was another Phillies game tonight and we lost. My crew is devastated. We were all hoping for a 4 game winning streak but that isn't happening.

20- F- PA

The second of Trump's co-defendents has entered a plea deal and plead guilty to election interference. Fuck him, fuck Trump and fuck all of those who tried to overthrow an election and destroy democracy.

I wandered around town today. It was beautiful. I stopped at Market Street Grill for lunch. But they were just about to close in two minutes and they were still willing to accommodate

so I ordered a burrito and ate half of it and took the other half home and it was delicious and they were so nice to me that it was a nice encounter.

A few of us went to Jake's for a quick beer. Andy came with us this time. And when people saw him coming in his wheel chair, they jumped to help him get inside. And when it was time to go home, they eyed me to see if they should help again and I nodded to them and they jumped to step in and help.

Trump was found in contempt of court and mandated to pay $5000. I wish he had been sent to jail.

 The gang of us watched yet another Phille's game. We lost. It was so damn stressful and I don't even care about baseball. And my crew is worried. We are now tied in the best of 7 series. And that isn't good enough for us. We play again tomorrow night.

21- SA- PA

I went down to the lounge to watch PSU get beaten by Ohio State. I hate that university. But truthfully, we played better than I had anticipated. It wasn't a bad loss and the game was exciting until the very last play.

I made arrangements to go to the Taylor Swift movie tomorrow. I really don't understand the hype around this woman but I want to make sure I am not slipping away from current culture. So we will go tomorrow with the thought that we do not have to stay for the full three hours.

Thinking that Kirstin has had enough of baseball, I went and picked her up at Sue's house and we went to Media for dinner.  It was fun to just hang with her.  She told me tat her most difficult time during covid was when Tom died and she just couldn't fly over t1-SUwith Sue.

After dropping Kristen off, I got home just in time to join my crew and watch the Phillies win tonight's game.  Now we are 3-2 in a 7 game series.  We are all confident that we are going to win this series on Monday, the next time we play.  I committed to buying hot dogs and grilling them for everyone.

Twitter: If every American who ever visited Israel also visited Palestine, we would not be in this mess right now. #Gaza #Israel #Palistine #Humanity

22- SU- PA

There is no baseball today but the Eagles play football later so I will have to continue to be engaged in sports talk.

Tricia and I went to the Colonial Theatre to watch the Taylor Swift movie.  I went with the interest to find out what's the big deal about this woman.  And i was pleasantly surprised to see what an entertainer she is.  Her show was so over the top in staging, special effects, costumes, dance, and enthusiasm. She was a crowd pleaser and I get it now.  I don't really care about her voice or songs and all o1-SU songs sounded similar to me.  But everyone at 1-SUoncert and everyone in our audience sang every song with her.  She is a sensation. She knows how to put on a show and make a buck.

23- M- PA

The Phillies lost tonight and I am pissed off.  I got up and went to the grocery store to buy everything needed to feed 20 people with hot dogs because you have to eat hot dogs at a baseball game. And I promised that I would cook hot dogs for this victory game. And the Phillies didn't deliver so now we have to go to yet another game tomorrow and this game is due or die. And I am nervous.

24- TU- PA

I started a new book, Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott. I thought I had read this book a few years ago but nothing sounds familiar to me.  "Freedom fighters don't always win but they are always right."

Kevin sent me the itinerary for our DC trip tomorrow.  We meet at 6:30Am and don't get back to Springfield until 11:30 PM.  I am going to be so damn tired.

Another defendant flipped on Trump and pled guilty to trying to overthrow the 2020 election.  Fuck Jen Ellis and all of the other traitors who have done so much damage to the well being of our county.

The Phillies lost the game tonight adnthe baseball season is now over for teh year.

I spent the night at Sue's house

Twitter: It's maddening that these people have done irreparable damage to the confidence of our election process. Our country will suffer from their actions for years. It's an injustice that they are not doing jail time. #LockHimUpAlready #EllisGuilty #PowellGuilty #ChesebroGuilty

W- 25- PA/DC

We were up by 5:30 AM today and I was tired because

I didnt sleep at all last night

train to Washington, DC

tour of the Capitol.

got in to the session in the House of Representatives to vote on a Speaker of the House

23,335 steps

Holy shit, my feet hurt.

Trump was found to be in contempt of court for the second time. He was mandated to take the stand and take an oath to tell the truth.

26- TH- PA

I slept soundly until 11 AM today as I was so damn tired from yesterday. And I had to force myself to get up by 2 so that I could get ready to meet up with the Germans by 4:30. And I was still very tired and could have gone back to bed and slept for the rest of the day.

But once I got outside,I was sorry to have missed so much of the day as it was gorgeous and warm. It was a stunning day and we won't see many of these days any time soon.

But I made it to the Brick and Brew just on time to hand with Rob N, Bill, Kirsten, Mark S, Dan S and his parents. We spent five hours there and rehashed every fun detail from yesterday's DC trip.

I spent some time reading about our new Speaker of the House, two positions away from the Presidency and he is a scary guy. He's an evangelical national christian and I find that view to be narrow and scary.

27- F- PA

Bonnie Raitt's tour tickets went on sale this morning and I grabbed two ticket sight away but had trouble at the check out counter. So the sale didnt go through. So then, I thought I should buy 4 tickets and invite Sharon, Tricia and Joann. But I can't get out of my first sale. So I will try a little later to get the done.

Annum wanted me to come down to DE to take her to get her driving permit. But she asked to reschedule becasue she just didnt feel confident enough to take the written test. That was a relief for me becasue I didnt feel like going there today. I didnt have enough energy to let her practice with my car.

So I looked up a new brewery and decided to go there. But when it came time to go, I changed my mind. I was still tired from the other day and a day without drinking would be a good thing for me. So I slipped back in bed and scrolled all afternoon on social media.

There was a horrible mass shooting in Maine and I can't even bring myself to read about it. I cant take any more.

The new Speaker of the House is already getting trashed by a few in his party. He made a statement about systemic racism and his crowd denies there is racism in this country. And this is just Day Two for him.

When I went to the lounge tonight, Pete was there with his son and DIL. So I just made myself comfortable and invaded their conversation. Mostly, we talked about Pete's liver cancer.

I ordered two tickets to see Bonnie Raitt in June.  And after I bought them, I was sorry that I didnt buy 4 so that I could invite Sharon, Tricia and Joann to join me.  The tickets were $100 with a $30 service fee.  Fuck them.

Twitter: I don't want the bible, a fictitious book, to dictate my life. #SeparateChruchAndState

Twitter: I know we can’t talk about the shootings in Maine yesterday because that would be too political. But has enough time passed yet to talk about Sandy Hook and VA Tech and TX and the night club and the hundreds of other mass shootings in this country?

28- SA- PA

Mike Pence dropped out of the presidential race. Now we have to get rid of trump as well.

I finished my book, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. It was a book of advice on writing and as I listened to her read her story, I wondered why more of us cant get published. Her writing was interesting but it wasn't really very sophisticated.

I watched Penn State play football. We won but it was a hard win and it wasn't relaxing to watch the game. I was alone in the lounge and found myself shouting at critical points. I wonder if anyone int he lobby heard me.

It was another gorgeous day. It was in the low 80's and sunny and it's the end of October. I spent this beautiful day sitting around and waiting to usher at Uptown at 6 PM.

Jeffrey Gaines took the stage tonight and the crowd loved him. He received

two standing ovations in the middle of the concert. As I looked around the audience, I noticed that everyone was a cotton head and the men reminded me of my grandfather.  Then I realized that I am now at that grandparent age.

Twitter: I hope Pence now finds the courage to speak out about Trump.

28- SU- PA

I had the starngest dreams last night. It was a dream about returning to school but it ws not quite my usual school dream.  But it was so weird that I don't even want to write about it.

I was up earlier than usual because I had to meet Sue and Kirsten for brunch in Springfield.  We went to Tank & Libby's and I checked out the menu yesterday and figured out what I wanted to order and couldn't wait to get there and enjoy my cremebruelle french toast.  I also had a green juice in an attempt to equalize the nutritional value against the delicious french toast.

Kirsten went back to Germany today.  It's been a fun two weeks. And I am already looking forward to next year's visit.

When I got back to CS, a few people were in the lounge, watching the Eagles play. We won but it was up to the  last play before we could claim victory.  In the midst of the game, Pete and I got annoyed with each other.  We both think we are right and the other is wrong.  Today's disagreement was on who has freedom of speech and Pete thinks none of us have this freedom.  And I, for one, because I am a white, middle class American, have never had my speech denied. But I cant say that for other Americans.

I spoke with Sharon and the crime rate in Philly is getting to her.  She needs to sell that house of hers and move elsewhere. 

30- M- PA

I decided to hang here today and get things done.  So I:

  • called my pancreases doctor
  • called Sharon
  • post 15 quotes on the Great Dame dropbox page
  • caught up with my mail
  • blogged
  • cleaned most of my dirty dishes
  • drank coffee
  • criticized trump on social media
  • tried unsuccessfully to retrieve my gummies that are stuck under my damn bed
In the evening, there was a showing of the Addams family movie but I just couldn't get in to it.  Several people showed up and it was fun to hang with them and the beer was good.  So it was a good night.

Twitter: We don't want him killed. We remain hopeful that he will go to jail. And that he lives a long life in there. #LockHimUpAlready

Terrence K. Williams
I fear for President Trumps life, if they can’t put him in jail then they will try to kill him

31- TU- PA/NY

Southern tier Brewery Company

it snowed a little bit

all of the fall foliage is gone.

finished my book, A Man Named Ova