Tuesday, September 3, 2024

My 400th Brewery

The Fat Lady Brewery
Philadelphia, PA
August 7, 2024

 As of today, I have visited 400 craft breweries around the world.  Most have been outstanding. A few have been uninteresting. Two have made such bad beer that I will never go back there again. As a matter of fact, one of these breweries was so bad that we poured our beers in to the potted plants that were near out table.

I picked this brewery for my 400th becausee I thought the name and the decor of the place had just the right character for my big moment. My sister and BIL joined me as did a college friend and a former co-worker.

This place makes very few beers so I only tried three of theirs and then I had to drink some of the guest beers. I asked the server if there was any food available.  He showed me a small bag of Cheetios and confessed that was all he had. 

We didn't stay long. And now it is on to #401.

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