Friday, January 27, 2023

10 Things Anout Penn State

 10 Things About Penn State University


University Park and State College, PA


I have three degrees from PSU: BS in Counseling, MEd in School Counseling and DEd in Secondary Education.

My two sisters, their husbands and three of their children also went to Penn State.

Zeno's and the Rath Skellar were my favorite bars.

I didn't study much for my undergraduate degree but I did mature a lot with regards to my intellectual abilities.

I borrowed $6000 for my Mater's prgoram and $3000 for my doctoral program. My parents paid for my undergraduate degree.

I didn't take advantage of all that PSU had to offer me.  I should have joined the concert committee and I wish I had joined the radio club.  I did usher for the artists' series and I got to see almost every major, worldly dance company perform at PSU.

Football was of no interest to me as an undergraduate students.  My father bought me the season tickets and I just gave them away to anyone who wanted them.  It didn't even occur to me to try to sell them as I couldn't image that anyone would want them.

I'm not sure my undergraduate degree prepared me for any type of career.  But I felt well prepared with my two advanced degrees.

It snowed a lot during my undergraduate degree.  From mid-October to late March, I always felt that we were in the midst of a blizzard.

Going to PSU opened my eyes to the spectrum of wealth and poverty in my own state.  Kids from every county and every background went to Penn State and it was a cultural awakening for me to be around so many poor, rural people.

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