Aisles and Aisles of Beer
What a different beer world we live in now. When I was in college in the mid 1970's, my only choice of beer was a lager from a domestic brewing company. Mostly, they all tasted the same: tasteless and foamy. Then light beer made its way to the selves and that was just medicare beer that had been watered down. Then imports from Germany and Belgium started showing up in the mid 1980's. And they were much more appealing to me. And then Sam Adams reared its head in the early 1990's and began to make its mark on the market. This beer tasted so much better than the lagers I was drinking. And then, in 1996, I had a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and I never went back to a domestic lager again. So now, I had two breweries that I liked. They were more expensive than the beers I always drank but the price was worth it.
But now, there are aisles and aisles of choices, too many choices. And that's a good thing.
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