Saturday, July 23, 2022

Along The Ganges

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Along The Ganges

Varanasi, India

July 11, 2018

 Grandfather and grandson preparing for their morning bath in the Ganges River

No photo description available.
Erica Torregrossa, Helen Pritchard and 24 others


  • Lucinda Taber
    The Ganges River does not look too clean . How sad
  • Erica Torregrossa
    It looks so dirty.
  • Bridget E Kelly
    it is filled with debris, fecal matter and dead people.
  • Erica Torregrossa
    Ugh!!! Very sad.
  • Sam Stein
    Another great photo!
  • Bridget E Kelly
    they sit under my balcony every morning.
  • Carol Fox
    How do they think they are cleaner coming out of that cess pool?
  • Debra Ward Metz
    It's sad that this is all they have and all they know...
  • Heather MacIntire Siptroth
    I guess it's all about perspective. I bathe in clean, treated water everyday..,don't think about it much. It is certainly not a ritual shared with an elder who wants to pass beliefs, rituals, etc.... Who makes out better in the end??? Makes you think.
  • Bridget E Kelly
    personally, i don't like to bathe in water that is contaminated with fecal matter and decomposing bodies. But this river has a spiritual hold on these people like nothing i have ever seen before.
  • Melissa Christie
    This has to be a huge health risk for the people.
  • Bridget E Kelly
    it is. that is why i am only drinking beer, coffee and tea.
  • Bob Amato
    Watch out for the crocs
  • Leslie Coren
    Is there any marine life in that river?

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