Friday, October 1, 2021

October 2020

October 2020

We Are Still in the COVID 19 Pandemic

But I Have Cautiously Moved On


TH- October 1- MI

I woke up to sleet and rain and 39F and it is the first damn day of October.  How can people live up here in Michigan.  

I was leaving town, making my way to Lake of the Cloud.  Just as I was leaving town, I glanced to my right, trying to merge, when I noticed a sign for the Verna Mize Park.  I couldn't believe it.

I drove to the Lake of the cloud.

I finally had a pasty and it was delicious but I probably won't have another one. It tasted like Shepards Pie in a flaky pita pocket.

At 5:30PM, I had to find a McDonalds so I could hitchhike on their internet and join in on a family zoom call to wish Kathy a happy birthday.  GiGi was on the call and it was the first time we got to meet her. She's almost 3 months old now.

Today's tweet;  Today's new moral bottom to the Trump administration is brought to you by Trump himself as he does everything he can to discredit the process of the American elections. #Biden2020 #TrumpChaos

I SPENT THE EVENING AT THE BARREL AND THE BEAM BREWERY.  THEY ONLY make session ales and wizen beers and sours.  I had two beers and they were delicious.

The day ended with the news that Trump has COVID and many people don't believe him. I am one of them.  I think this is his ploy to get out of the debates.

F- October 2- MI

It was cold and sleeting again this morning.  But I was able to get a cup of coffee in the hotel lobby so the morning wasn't completely disastrous.

I drove up to Big Bay, about a half hour away.  I had heard that it was a quaint town so I thought Id go there fro brunch.  It turned out to be a remote area with nothing to offer me.  So I headed back to Marquette and grabbed a sandwich from a deli and headed to Painted Rock National Forest.  I was able to travel on primitive dirt roads and traveled around 7 miles and hour.  I loved this drive.  Every twist and turn was gorgeous.

Trump is in the hospital and I have mixed feelings.  I don't wish ill on anyone but he has been such a shit head about this virus that it's hard not to be a bit gleeful.

I had trouble getting a hotel room.  So I eventually left the Upper Peninsula which signaled the end of my trip.  I am now on my path to return home.

SA- October 3- MI

I headed southwest today and drove along the coast of lake Michigan. My destination was Travse City.  I thought I might get in to town early and just hang there for the day.  But it rained off and on all day.  So there was no option of sitting outside in a little cafe. And I stopped so many times along route.  There are these great, little pockets of beaches every few miles for people to enjoy.  I just loved them.  One of them had a sculpture garden so I roamed around there and took photos.

Once in town, I went to the Silver Spruce Brewery for a fight but they are not serving flights at this time.  And there really weren't enough bear that I wanted to try.  So I had a quick IPA and headed south along the coastal road to Silver Lake Sand Dunes.

I got there around 6:15 PM and for three minutes , the rain stopped, the sun came out and I got some great sunset shots.  I roamed around the dunes but I didn't stay too long as it was raining.  And I would climb to one level only to find that there was another level to ascend and I was afraid of getting up tot high and I would have trouble getting down.

I travel another hour south and settled in to my hotel for the night.  I had plans to go through my pictures.  But just after I took a 20 minute nap.  Three hours later, i got up and fooled around with my photos.  I should be in bed.

SU- October 4- MI/OH

couldn't call Ladon

I had a WAFW call.  I had to sit in the lobby of the hotel to take the zoom call.

I headed home and went the wrong way.  All of the sudden, I see a sign that tells me this is the last exit before I enter the bridge to the Canadian border.  Shit, I made a wrong turn somewhere.

I'm headed home after 8 days on the road.  I was ready.

Twitter: Today's new moral bottom from the Trump administration is brought to you by Trump himself as he takes a joy ride to fill his fragile ego and therefore, put everyone in his path in a compromised situation. He is so selfish. #BidenHarris2020

M- October 5- OH/PA

I'm home.  I got home around 10 PM and I travel about 3.000 miles on this trip.

Today was the only sunny day of the trip and of course it was the day that I spent 10 hours on the interstate highway where the scenery didn't change much at all.

I listened to the book, The Girls With No Names by   It is an historical fiction about the laundry convents for young girls  in the USA.  I thought this atrocity only happened in ireland but we had our share fo these awful convents in the early 20th century.  This story was about a convent in upstate NY. I am going to research to see if I can go check it out.

two fights over masks

I stopped by the Flight 93- 9/11 Memorial in Somerset, PA.  After all these years, I am still stunned at how moving this memorial was. These people had so much courage. I wonder if I would have stepped up or if I would have been frozen in fear.

TU- October 6- PA

I voted.  I voted. I voted.  I voted.  I voted.  I voted.  I voted for Biden for President. I took my ballot to the county office and I was so nervous as usual when I vote.  But I was pleased with the steady stream of people who were dropping off their ballots. I wish this election was over.  I am exhausted by Trump and his awful administration.

I was going to get my second Shingles shot.  But I was too lazy so i drove to the store and bought more junk that I just don't need.  I have too much stuff.

W- October 7- PA

I finally got in touch with Laydon and all we talked about was Trump. I cant believe how much she knows about him.  I know nothing about the Prime Minister of China.

I stopped in to the Suburban Brewery in Coatesville for a flight.  This is a sweet, little place that encourages conversation amongst everyone.  I ordered three IPAs but truthfully, I couldn't distinguish one from the other

The VP Debates were tonight. The fly on Pence's head stole the show.  I think Pence has COVID,  He has pink eye and he is pasty in color.

I've heard lots of republicans say they misjudge trump and they will not vote from him again. I have not heard one democrat say they misjudged him and now they will vote for him. #BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020

TH- October 8- PA

I went to get my second dose of the damn Shingles vaccine and I had to pay another fucking $179. This made me so damn angry.  When I first paid this fee, the woman told me that I only had to pay it once for the two shots.  Now I really feel as if I have been screwed.

Deb's birthday dinner was fun.  About 10 of us had dinner together at Lemoncello and I ate like a pig.  I even ate the dessert sample.

In other news, a white supremisist group had a plan to assassinate the governor of Michigan but their plan was foiled.  Trump has not condemned these terrorists.  But he wants the governor to thank him publicly because the Justice Department did such a great job of intervening and saving her life.  FUCK HIM!

F- October 9- PA/NJ

It's Chris' 63rd birthday.  I wonder what he would look like at this age.  Would he still have that full head of wavy hair.  Would it still be a dirty blonde or would it be all white.

I spent the day at the beach with Kathi Lewis and Jame Momer on Long Beach Island. It was a beautiful day.  It was sunny but very windy.  I had to wear my down vest and coat just to keep warm from the wind.

Tweet: He’s gone mad. Time for the #25th

SA- October 10- PA/DE

I went to the movies with Jaye.  The pandemic restrictions have been OK for me.  But I really miss going to the movies on a regular basis.  I cant wait for the Bryn Mawr Film Institute to open up again. I love that place.  I love the whole routine of it.  I go early and sit at the coffee shop and write a little bit.  Sometimes I meet Kathy Flatley there and she joins me for a cup of coffee. And then we go to the movies and go out for a beverage and talk about the film. And I make a mental list of all the previews I saw that I now want to see.

TWEET: Is trump negotiating a resignation? If so, would he be removed from the ballot and it’s an automatic win for Biden? Or would Pence step in? #TrumpIsALoser #TrumpResign #BidenHarris2020

SU- October 11- PA

It's International Day of the Girl.  There weren't many celebrations due to the pandemic.

I chatted with Laydon.  I continue to be stunned at how happy she always is to hear from me.

I went in to Philly to have dinner with Sharon and Glenn.  It was an effort to find a spot which is always a deterrent to going in to meet up with them.

M- October 12- PA

It's our traditional Columbus Day.  This day has become controversial over the years and people reflect on our beginnings.  So some people, many people have pushed to make this a day to honor our Indigenous People, those we chased out as we made our way the frontier.  And trump is tweeting about honoring Columbus.  Yet another moment where he loves to divide.

I had a zoom call with Sumyia, one of my Bangladesh students.  She started a petition and started gathering signatures.  Then a fellow student talked her in to adding more content which compromised the original petition.  So I steeped in and talked about the ethics of this action.  It came as a surprise to both of them.  One woman got it.  The other woman turned it in to a power struggle. And I got annoyed.

I has a mentoring phone call with Vanessa, a young woman in Delaware.  She is only a high school sophomore and yet, she is a go-getter.  I find that to be so impressive.

TU- October 13- PA/NJ

Sue Descano and I drove up to Frenchtown, NJ for lunch.  What a sweet, little town.  Much of it was still on lock down so I may have to go back.  I wanted to have lunch at the Frenchtown Inn but that wasn't an option today.  We went to a mediocre Mexican place.  But we did find a gourmet shop and I picked up some coconut infused ghoda cheese that was so delicious that I ate the entire 1/4 lb in the evening.

I attended a webinar so that I can be a poll observer on Election Day.  There were 800 of us on the call, ready to step up and serve. That day can't come soo enough.

W- October 14- PA

I jumped in on Cyd's MSK group today.  I think they mostly just talk and don't do much because they really had no plan to address domestic violence. Is this project worth our time?

I finally, finally, finally got my taxes done and I owe a damn $6900.  I hate paying all of these taxes and I don't understand why I have this much money to pay.

Jim Slavas dropped off 500 Biden/Harris signs and they weighed a ton. They are now spread all over the front seat of my car and my car is no longer able to accommodate anyone, with a ride from me,  until I get rid of these signs.

I went to Animated Brewery and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I overhead some men talking and they were making pro-Biden statements so I jumped in on what they had to say.  Then I gave them a few posters and if things were different, I would have joined their table.  So we just shouted out politics and comments to each other.

TH- October 15- PA

I started the day with a phone call to Laydon.  She is just like a little puppy dog. She is always so happy to hear from me. She is going to plan a road trip in China for me.  I want to go to the southwest.

The dentist finally put in my damn $6000 tooth implant.  It only took 15 months to get the task done.  But now it is in.  It's not the right color.  It's too light and my teeth are only getting more stained from all of the coffee I drink.  So this tooth is always going to stick out as being different.

I had lunch with Leslie Grims in KOP.  As always, it was nice to spend time with her.  We went to a great place that is sort of a farm to table place.  The food was delicious.

Afterwards, I headed over to the country building to hand out my Biden/Harris signs.  The place was packed.  There were people in line to register to vote and there was a steady stream of people dropping off their ballots.  I think I gave out about 100 signs in two hours.  I am hesitant to feel optimistic but the vibe was positive.

I came home and listened to an audiobook- The Confederacy: Truth and Reconciliation by T Bone Burnett

I tried to watch a damn movie through BMFI. But I just couldn't open my Vimeo account.  This has happened to me about 6 or 7 times and it is maddening because I am trying to send them some money.  They need it.

The Presidential Candidates' town hall meetings were tonight.  I didn't watch either of them.  But I picked up little snippets of them on Youtube.  Biden was likened to Mr. Rogers and Trump was told he acts like someone's crazy, old uncle.  I loved it.

F- October 16- PA

It's rainy, chilly and cloudy.  It's a dreary Fall day which I spent mostly in bed, trying to listen to music and podcasts.  But my internet reception was so bad that my day was mostly unsuccessful and lethargic.

I'm in twitter jail for 12 hours for writing that I hope Trump dies of COVID. The punishment was worth the moment of irritating a trump supporter.

Regretfully, I did something this evening that I haven't done before.  I had a craving for bbq potato chips.  So I got myself together @ 10 PM and drove to WAWA and bought two damn bags of chips. This behavior embarrasses me.  What a pig.

SA- October 17- PA

I went to the FEC to give out Biden signs but no one was there.

Black Forest Brewery

Movie- Time

SU- October 18- PA

I started the day with a phone call to Laydon.  As usual, she was so happy to speak with me.

I had my bi-weekly meeting with the MSK facilitators. I gave them the option to end the project as I had promised that we would only meet for two months and we are now six months in to the project. It sounds as if most of them are OK and will continue with the project.

Somehow I got on a mailing list in Chester to pick up some Biden swag.  I grabbed buttons, stickers and bumper stickers.

I met Deb, Lisa and Mary for beers at Goose Island. But I stopped by Punch Buggy Brewery first to a draft of Pumpkin Ale and Hazy IPA. I love, love, love to sit in a bar on a sunny afternoon and drink beer.  This day wasn't too sunny but we did have a fire pit so that was just as good.

I stopped by Sharon's house on the way home.  She wants to invite 20 of my students to join her organization. So we generated a list.

M- October 19- PA

Great Dames held another virtual conference and it was so interesting.  I told sharon that she can no longer go back to her cocktail hour meetings in Wilmington.  The audience has become more global and more intense on the issues that affect women.

Today's Tweet- Just when we think he can not go any lower, he proves us wrong. There is a new bottom every day. Today Trump incited violence against the governor of Michigan; she was threatened 10 days ago with kidnapping and execution. He chanted “lock her up” Vote him out. #Biden2020 #MAGA?

Every day we think he can't go any lower; he has hit the bottom. But he proves us wrong every day. Today Trump escalates attacks on Dr Fauci as Election Day nears and COVID cases surge to a 3rd peak in our country. #BidenHarris2020

Just when you think he can't reach a new bottom, he opens his mouth. As COVID is still infects us, he says this: “So, you buy a house, and they have what's called a restrictor, [The] same thing with your dishwasher, I freed that up too.” #BidenHarris2020

TU- October 20- PA/DE

meeting with vanessa

Dewey beer company- I ordered a sour beer and it was delicious

I loved my hotel. It was so simple and elegant and right on the beach. But it didn't have a balcony and I couldn't open the large windows so I couldn't hear the roar of the surf. I love that sound.

W- October 21- DE/PA

Laydon and I chatted in the morning. I love when she answered the phone with her sweet, powerful voice and says, "Hello Bridge. How are you. I am great."

I went to two breweries: Revelations and Crooked Hammock.

Sitting on the beach always soothes my soul. There were more people than I had speculated. It was almost crowded. But it was warm and I had a comfortable chair so I just curled up and day dreamed fro about two hours.

There were lots of Tundra swans at Bombay Hook Wildlife Reserve. I did a quick drive through on my way home and it was a pleasant surprise to see them this early in the migration season.

Tweet #1- Just when we think that the Trump administration can't go any lower, we reach a new bottom every damn day. Today we discovered that hundreds of children in cages can not be reconnected with their parents who are missing. #BidenHarris2020

Tweet #2- Just when we think that the Trump administration can't go any lower, he proves us wrong. Today this idiot told a crowd that COVID is going away. He is reckless. We are in the third peak/spike of this virus. Wear a mask. #BidenHarris2020

Tweet #3- Just when we think that this awful administration can't go any lower, it does. Today we discovered that Trump has a secret bank account in China. He is compromised. #BidenHarris202

TH- October 22- PA

I could not sleep. OMG, it was so bad that I finally got up at 730 and went to the lounge to get a cup of coffee and a bagel. And of course, the breakfast hadn't arrived yet.

I went back to bed and tossed and turned until noon and I just had to get up.

I gave Maaike a call in theNetherlands and my quick call turned in to an hour. I love talking to her. She is so interesting.

I headed off to the polls to hand out more Biden posters. The Trump people showed up tday and I got in a confrontation with one of them. She was taking videos of the Biden votes. They asked her to stop and she wouldn't. So I intervened and put on my principal voice and put a stop to her bad behavior.

It's the last of the dreadful presidential debates tonight. Trump is going to be muted when he does not have the floor. Social media is being flooded with speculations about this shit show.

Tweet; Just when I think that he can't go any lower, we have finally hit the bottom, he proves me wrong. Trump just said it's good for kids and their parents to not be united. FUCK HIM. #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #FamiliesBelongTogether #TrumpChaos

F- October 23- PA

I took a sleep aid last night and slept soundly through the night. So when I woke up to a wet, brown spot on my bed, I couldn't figure out what happened. It was old, dried blood. It looks as if I am having a period. I am unnerved. I called the doctor to get an appointment but can't even schedule anything until Monday. So now what do I do. I am afraid that I may have ruptured a cyst or something and maybe I am bleeding internally. What are my chances of bleeding to death? Is this cancer? My mother got her period again at 65 and then she had to have a complete hysterectomy and then she died of uterine cancer. I need to get to a doctor ASAP.

I watched the documentary, The Way I See It abut the photographer who followed Obama around for 8 years in the White House. He showed the contrast of Trump's photos. OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG. Biden has to win this election. I can not even think about the idea that Trump would win again.

SA- October 24- PA

I started the day with a call to Maaike's MSK group. They are stuck in their inactivity. So we generated a few ideas of what they could do. But I don't think they are going to do much of anything.

I'm still bleeding and made an attempt to schedule an appointment with a gynecologist. I am hoping I can get in to see someone as early as Monday. I had an appointment to give blood today. But I was just too spooked by my situation so I canceled my appointment.

Debbie and I sat in the lounge and chatted each other up. She is getting sued by one of her workers and she is angry. No one is going to win in this suit.

I just ordered a bag of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee for $34 for 8 ounces. I have always wanted to try this coffee and I just decided that today is the day. I have some Amazon points so I ordered with my points. I cant wait to try it with my new Japanese Siphon Coffee Maker.

Last week I ordered a bigh end, portable power charger. I tried all week to get it to work and I just couldn't make it happen. A replacement came today and I immediately recovered what was wrong with the charger. I have to turn it on to get it to work. Now I know.

SU- October 25- PA

I tried to call Laydon but we missed each other. I will try again on Wednesday.

I joined Tricia for a nature walk at the Willows Preserve in Radnor. It was cold, rainy and wet. I wasn't prepared and I was a little cranky. If only I had a warm pair of socks. But in spite of the discomfort, the walk was beautiful. This is the first time I spent more time looking at fallen leaves rather than changing foliage.

I am trying to listen to an audiobook. The story is so quirky and odd, just the type od story I like. But I keep falling asleep when I listen. I really cant listen attentively when I am laying in bed.

Tweet: Just when I think we have reached the moral bottom of the Trump administration, I'm proven wrong. Today, word was released that they have given up on controlling the spread of the coronavirus, even as most Americans fear that they/someone they know will contract the disease.

M- October 26- PA

I got a call from a doctor's office and I have an appointment tomorrow. I am relieved. The woman on the phone was great as quelling some of my anxiety. It could be a burst polyp. I think I will work on those vibes for the moment.

I went back to my polling place and got in a confrontation with the Trump campaign people again. I need to calm now and let them self destruct. The line to register was around the building today. Tensions were high. The trump voters have shown up now. I guess they see some value to early voting. This election cant end soon enough.

Tweet today; Just when I think Trump has hit his bottom, I am wronged. He stoops lower. Today Trump threatened my Governor (PA) by implying he'd deny emergency federal aid to Pennsylvania as revenge for Wolf's supporting policies Trump doesn't support.

Tweet tonight: I want every young woman, LBGQT person, everyone with a pre-exisitng condition to remember this night, the night when the GOP showed us that we don't matter.

TU- October 27- PA

I started the day with a phone call to Bangladesh with Atifa.  We talked for about 1 1/2 hours.  All of the sudden, I had to run to my dentist appointment.

I made it to the dentist and went to pay with my new dental insurance.  This damn insurance has a 60%/40% pay ratio.  I should have stayed with my old dental insurance.  Damn.

I went to the gynecologist and she was very patent with me.  I am going to have an ultrasound done on Thursday. Then on the 5th, I am going to have a COVID test, bloodwork and and EKG.  On November 9th, I am going to have a biopsy under general anesthesia.  I think I am on a good path to discover what's up.  The best case scenario is an exploded polyp lingering in my system.  The worse case scenario is endometrias cancer which the doctor says in resolved by surgery.  I'm OK with these options.

Tweet: Just when I think the Trump Administration can't go any lower, I find that I'm wrong. Today, he declared victory over the coronavirus pandemic, a week before the election and with COVID cases surging across the country. The nation is averaging more than 70,000 new cases per day.

W- October 28- PA

I started my day with a call to Layden in China. She is currently leaving supplies of kotex and tampons to the female students at SIAS University. It is part of her project to reduce shame about menustration. We also talked about Panda Bears. I want to see them in the wild and she thinks I might be able to see them somewhere in the west of China.

I tried to call Elliot to ask him to weigh in on what face mask I should wear for halloween. As I went through my options, it appears as if I have at least 5 masks with a Halloween theme. I should have been wearing this mask all day.

I was restless today so I drove up to Lancaster to my favorite butcher shop for a smoked pastrami sandwich. OMG, OMG, OMG, it was delicious. And to add to me delight, the VoDoo Brewery was open and I grabbed a flight of IPAs with my sandwich and I was in heaven.

Tweet: Just when I think that Trump has hit bottom, he proves me wrong. Today Trump was shamed for leaving elderly #MAGA fans to freeze in Omaha after a rally. At least 7 supporters were hospitalized and 30 were treated at the event for exposure to cold, seizures and other ailments.

TH- October 29- PA

I had to consume 32 oz of water before I went today for my ultrasound. But I confused this volume and prepared a bottle of water that had 64ozs. How the hell was I going to drink this and not struggle to go to the bathroom before my procedure. MY GOD, I'm 65.

But I poured my large bottle, tighter the lid and started my mad dash to the doctor. And of course, I didn't have the lid on tight enough and I proceeded to drop my bottle and spill all of this water all over my apartment. As I attempted to mop up the spill, I realized that I only had to drink 32 ozs. That's just two beers. I could do that. This moment of enlightenment was a relief. Now I didn't have to worry about urinating on the technician as she pushed that wand up me. I can do this. I grabbed a smaller bottle, filled it and just left the spill there. I had to get to the doctor.

Once there, I tried not to focus on my full bladder. And this situation was also relieved. I only had to have a full baller for the external ultrasound. There was to be no lose of dignity today. In all probability, I was not going to urinate on anyone.

After the test, I didn't get to see the doctor but I did get to see the mass in my uterus. For now, I will continue to go through the rest of the testing and see what else we find. Regardless, I am OK.

Update from the doctor. Yes, there is a mass. It is not uncommon to have a small mass in a uterus but mine is 4 times the size of the average mass. The doctor wants to take a biopsy ASAP so that she can get a pathology report. I am still in good spirits.

Today's tweet: Just when I think that he cant go any lower, Trump proves me wrong. There is no bottom for him. $16.8 Million In Campaign Funds Went To Trump Businesses. When he holds a fundraiser at one of his properties, he gets donations while his business collects money for rent and catering.

F- October 30- PA

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was bleeding again, a lot. FUCK.

I had a scheduled call with a student from Bangladesh but she stood me up. I waited half an hour and didnt hear form her. So I sent her a text and said I wasn'tgoing to wait any more. She responded immediately that her sister was sick and I should pray for her. Now I am annoyed that she was so careless with my time.

I got to speak to Elliot on a zoom call and it was great to hear his sweet little voice. Heather, on the other hand, sounds exhausted as she is about to end her pregnancy and go in to labor sooner than planned. She is proabably going to be induced because she is so damn large. It is going to be so tough to have a newborn, a toddler, a husband working at home and another lockdown looming over all of us.

I spent the afternoon at Hangman Brewery in Delaware.

Today's Tweet: Just when I think the Trump couldn't go any lower, that he has hit his bottom, he proves me wrong. He just opened up 9.3 million acres to logging in Alaska’s vast Tongass National Forest, one of the world’s largest intact temperate rainforests. FUCK HIM!

Another tweet: Just when I think Trump cant go any lower, he proves me wrong. Today he stated that the next time the PA Governor calls for help with a natural disaster, Trump wasn't going to give him the help because he’s mad at him, thereby making those Pennsylvanians cheering for him suffer. .

And another: Just when I think Trump cant go any lower, he proves me wrong. Today he stated that the next time the PA Governor calls for help with a natural disaster, Trump wasn't going to give him the help because he’s mad at him, thereby making those Pennsylvanians cheering for him suffer.

SA- October 31- PA

The day was overcast

TWEET: He sounds sick. He has no energy. He looks hopeless. He's in a slump of sadness, defeat and lifelessness. It's over and he knows it. He coulda been truthful, kind, a leader but he was none of these traits. He is a loser, a sucker. #SlumpTrump #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

nusrat's marriage
dinner with Deridre
The Biden bus incident

Quote Tweet



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