Gloria has A Summer Internship
Sias Uinversity
henan Province, China
Summer 2013
In the spring 2012, I taught leadership skills to a group of women at a university in China. As a result of thier participation, they have met many international mentors. I continue to be amazed at the variety of options that have been made available to these women from the most rural communities in Chinas. Gloria is one student who has benefitted immensely. Here is a recent email form her:
Hi Bridget,
Actually, I'm not certain about my summer internships.
Andrea told me that I'll have two internships, one is to learn under Bonita about helping village women to develop entrepreneurship; another is to learn marketing under a great man who used to work for Nike.
This is perfectly aligned with my 15-year goal -- learning and practicing marketing skills and then serve as a consultant to help women and special kids to buildup their careers.
During my visit to Beijing, I heard many experts and Dr.s talked about advocacy. Parents keep pushing the society to provide help and rights for kids with special needs. For many charities, the emergency is an advocacy team to help them market their causes. also using business structure can make a not-profit-organization more effective and practical.
I'll confirm them with Bonita and keep you posted.
How are you now? I'd love to know more about your current life!
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