Thursday, August 26, 2021

Chinese Hospitals

Chines Hospitals

Winter 2014

I received this email today and I am really upset about it.  The hospitals in China are not all clean.  Some of them have very substandard procedures to clean up blood and very infusion Selia receives puts her at risk of contacting AIDS.  I told her to stop with the infusions and I have put an all call out to my medical friends to see if they can offer any suggestions.

Dear Bridget,

Merry Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!
It is Winter Solstice Festival here today when it is a tradition to eat dumplings so that you ears won't get frozen. 
While, I have been in the hospital for a week since my left leg started hurting so badly that I could not move or walk at all. The doctor said it is sciatica that caused the pain. I have been doing the infusion this week and the infusion needles have been all over my hands. Today the nurse could not find any available blood vessel to put the needle in on my both hands, so she put it on my foot, which was funny and uncomfortable. By the way, I get 4 infusion bottles every day in the weather of 25 degrees, which always makes me frozen. I can walk now after one-week treatment, but still cannot walk like a normal person. I decided to stop the infusion tomorrow though my leg still hasn't recovered since I cannot stand the needles and cold liquid medicine going all over my body in this cold weather.
Anyway, this is my life recently, fighting not getting disabled. For some reason, I started to miss everything about America recently. It is almost a year now from when I went to Arizona in January. Thanks for giving me such a wonderful experience in America.
Miss & Love you
All the Best


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