Friday, May 14, 2021

Violence In The World

Violence In The World

Selia's Views

SIAS University

Henan Province, China 

Selia, a student from China, contacted me to tell me about the shootings in CT.  Here is our email trail:

From Selia to me:  I am sure you've seen the news about Con. school shooting. It was really sad but yesterday, at the same day, a 36-year-old man killed 22 kids in an elementary school in a village in Hennan Province, China. How could this always happen?


Sweet Selia love everyone who has come to my life! 


My response to Selia:  this is too sad to discuss. I am counting on you as the next world leader to do something about all this violence in the world. stay safe.

Selia’s response to me: Thank you for your confidence in me. Probably now we could count on Obama? 


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