Saturday, May 1, 2021

May 2020

May 2020
In The Time of the Quarantine
Corvid #19 Virus

1- F- PA-Quarantine Day #47

I woke up to an eye problem. I may have pink eye and just the thought of this possibility derailed my entire day.  I was worthless today.  I stayed in bed, listened to podcasts and put hot compresses on my eyes.  To add to my dismay, I think I am growing an old lady age spot right on my face.  It wasn't there yesterday but there is a shadow of a spot on my left cheek and that is throwing me in to a fit of denial, anger and panic.  How could I be aging so damn quickly?  How can I walk around with a big fat age spot on my face.  I have to get to a dermatologist.  And I thought the corona virus was bad.

On a positive note, the governor is going to lift some of his sanctions in the upper corner of the state. Maybe I will take a road trip up there next week.  I wonder if I will be allowed up there if I am from an area where the sanctions have not been lifted.

My facebook post today:

Sending love, gratitude and admiration to all of you who are protecting all of us.
Image may contain: 1 person
2- SA- PA/DE-- Quarantine Day #48

OMG, today was a glorious, glorious, gorgeous day.  I am hoping that this is the day that turns the corner for a full fledged spring season.  And everyone was out and social distancing was out the window.  I think the college kids came back to town for one last week before they finish college.  They were everywhere and every student housing unit had some sort of beer pong game going on in the front lawn.  They were trying to suck in the last few weeks all during this glorious day.

When I woke up this morning, I discovered that Kathi Lewis was posting on facebook.  What a great sign.  She still can't talk because of the soreness of her throat from the time on the ventilator but this is a very good sign.  I also checked in with Judy Lynn Jackson and she is in recovery from the virus but her brother is in intensive care.  This virus is attacking everyone.

I went to Hockessain, DE and bought a Bleeding Heart plant.  It looks as if it has already bloomed for the season but maybe, just maybe I will get something to blossom before the end of the month.

I tried to order ribs at Mabel's BBQ but that proved to be a challenge.  They were just too busy and service was just too poor. So, after I waited a half hour for my order, I left and stooped so low as to order from Taco Bell for dinner.  What a disappointing alternative.

For my nightly entertainment, I watched a documentary on Darrell Hammon, a comedic genius from SNL who suffered terrible child abuse and subsequently, years of emotional trauma and mental illness.  I never get used to the fact that some families, too many families, are just so abusive to one another. What made me so lucky?

3- SU- PA - Quarantine Day #49

It was another goreous day so I got in my car and drove around in pursuit of beer.  I stopped at WAWA because they sell pints for $2.  What a great deal.  Then I drove around the Kennett Square area and found a farm that hosts small concerts in the summer.  I am going to have to look for them when we all finally get back to normal.

I stopped by Ironhill and picked up a 32 oz growler and drank it and then had to take an evening nap which is always a dreadful decision.  I got up around 11 PM and didn't go to bed until 4:30 AM.  That is wacked.  I stayed up to watch a documentary on a straight couple who run a gay porn book store in CA.  It takes all kinds of people to run this world.

I did get in a phone call to the next facilitator in Bangladesh.  He is going to run the program through Zoom and it appeared as if he wanted me to jump in and take this assignment from him.  I stood my ground, thank god.

4- M- PA- Quarantine Day #50

When I checked on my garden this morning, it appears as if too many of my plants are already dying.  I just am not good at managing potted plants.  I'm not overwatering them. I just can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

I called to make an appointment to get my car inspected and had it all arranged for tomorrow.  I went to the glove compartment to get the owner's car and registration all ready.  I carried those two damn cards up to my apartment and by the time I put everything down, they were gone, not to be found.  They have just vanished and I think I threw them out with the trash and I want to kick myself in the ass.

I spoke with Jerrie today.  She called to see how my plan was to put together a panel discussion on violence against women.  I called her and told her that I am working on a different project.  We had a zoom call in the evening, the fifth to talk about what to do now.  I was to take the lead and my damn computer acted up and I couldn't make it happen.  So the meeting was dreadful.  Anyway, we are finally going to get started soon.

I watched a second segment on the Central Park Rape Case from 1989.  Again, our judicial system failed and it is heartbreaking to see how cavalier we can be with some peoples' lives.

I tossed and turned all night again and in the early morning, I finally feel asleep.  This time shift is frustrating but not the end of the world.  But I have to get this turned around when we can all go outside and play again together.

5- TU- PA- Quarantine Day #51

I had to go to Giant to pick up some medicine.  While I was there, an older gentleman loudly asked the pharmacist for "the vaccine."  She informed him that they are not giving out the flu shot because of the covid #19 virus.  He told her that was the vaccine he wanted.  He said he heard Trump announced on the TV that one was available.  Not being able to mind my own business, I called over and informed him, "That was your first mistake, listening to Trump."  He walked over to me and whispered that he was just trying to make a joke with the pharmacy team.

A few minutes later, I saw the man walking about the store and I made reference to his Trump comment. We exchanged a few comments and as I was walking away, he shouted to me, "That Trump sure is a piece of shit, isn't he?" I loved this interaction.

In the evening, I watched the remaining TV segment of the Central Park Rape case and it was so disturbing that I feel compelled to contact one of the men charged and see if I can volunteer at his NGO for wrongly accused defendents.  I moved on to another show by John Grisom and the Innocence Project.  Damn, something is wrong.

6- W- PA- Quarantine Day #52

It was cold again today and it was gray and overcast so the whole day was dreary. I went to Target and I have to get over this need to shop as a way to fill my time.  I don't need anymore shit.  And I really don't need the new pair of beige, slip on shoes that I bought for $14.  But I do like them at the moment because I saw them on sale on the internet for #35. Now, that's a bargain.

There was a young, black man jogging in his neighborhood.  Two white men saw him and assumed that he was robbing the neighborhood.  So they got in to a confrontation with him and shot him to death   No charges were filed against these men.  But a video surfaced today and shows damning evidence that this young man was murdered.  The white men are claiming  self defense. This is maddening and repulsive to me.

My Facebook post today:  Vigilante justice is a slap in the face to all of us who support our constitution and due process. RIP Ahmaud Arbery. You were murdered because of the color of your skin.

Our ridiculous gun laws are killing us. And too many Americans are proud of it and justify why it is OK for all of this collateral damage from these ridiculous laws.

7- TH- PA- Quarantine Day #53

I had a phone meeting to finalize my supplemental insurances for Medicare.  I cant wait to turn 65.  My cost is going to be about 1/2 of what it is now and my coverage will be so much better.  And I am getting dental/vision/ hearing and cancer coverage. Yipee for me!!!!

It's another gorgeous day and I just wanted to go somewhere but I have nowhere to go.  So I went to my default activity and went to a food store.  I went to the Amish Market and all of the workers got on my nerves because they were not wearing their mask correctly.  They weren't wearing rubber gloves and they weren't keeping a social distance.  In light of the fact that they do not get the news, these Amish people must be wondering what all the fuss is.  Anyway, I just couldn't buy anything from my favorite place because it just felt like it was filled with cooties.

There has been such an uproar on social media about the two white men who killed a black jogger that they were finally, after three months, arrested and charged with murder. What took the police so long to act and why do too many white people not understand why so many African Americans are so mad at us.

8- F- PA- Quarantine Day #54


Dear Family and Friends,

As many of you know, I was supposed to be in China, once again, right now, teaching leadership skills to college students at Sias University. And I know all of you are surprised that I had enough sense not to go at this time. 

I really wanted to be in China at this time as it is when my organization holds its annual Women’s Symposium.  Over 5000 people attend and there are guest speakers from China and the world.  And when I was in China in 2012, my students started the tradition of inviting their mothers to come to this symposium.  At that time, parents never came to the campus for any reason. But we started an honor ceremony for the mothers. And each year, the tradition has grown and now many mothers come with their younger daughters as well.  And so the ceremony has become more elaborate and more beautiful.

This year, the university is closed.  But my organization is going to attempt to hold a virtual ceremony.  I am enclosing the details of the event and you are more than welcomed to join me and others as we honor these mothers who do everything they can to educate their daughters.

Happy Mother’s Day


9- SA- PA- Quarantine Day #55

zoom call for jimmies' bday
facebook post
zoom call for wafw mothers' tea.

10- SU- PA- Quarantine Day #56

Mother's Day
Dinner from Limoncello
Zoom call with the Anderko
a stunning day
dinner with sharon and glenn
phone call with jill
response towards sisters keepers

11- M- PA- Quarantine Day #57

My tweet: Just an idea: the USPS should make an Obama stamp. We would all buy them and save the post office while we are also pissing off trump.

I'm so excited. I'm getting lots of immediate reaction to my tweet. Maybe it will go viral and how many likes do I have to get to consider that it is a viral tweet? My phone keeps dinging alerts from my Twitter account. What a great, cheap thrill.

12- TU- PA- Quarantine Day #58

My tweet is on it's way to going viral and I am so damn excited that all I want to do is sit on my chair and watch the numbers go up and up.

3:30 PM- 642 responses;  3401 retweets;  13K likes;  133,867 views !!!  Yipee!!!
4:30 PM- 720 responses;  4023 retweets;  15.7K likes;  173,762 views !!!
9:30 PM-  1,082 responses,  5884 retweets;  23.4K likes;  332,190 views
12:30 AM-  1,254 responses;  7077 retweets,  28.8K likes;  views 417,191

But in other news, I have a throbbing pain in my lower left abdomen.  I checked google and it isn't my appendix or pancreas.  So I don't know what it could be.  But I don't want to go to the doctor as it is just too damn much money.  I cant wait until July1 when I am on medicare and i don't have to make these stupid decisions about my health care.

I worked on getting groups together to take on my project, My Sister's Keeper, for World Academy for the Future of Women.  I have four groups of five students.  It's an anti-violence against women project and the students are on fire.  I can't wait to see what they do.

I watched Strong Island, a movie about a black man who is gunned down by a white man and the white man is never tried for this murder.  He claimed he was afraid of the black man.  Yet another example of the injustices of our judicial system.

13- W- PA Quarantine Day #59

I'm going viral with my tweet and I am so damn proud. Now I see myself as a professional tweeter.  And I am wondering why my tweet about Trump not holding any more rallies didn't go viral. I thought that was a more clever tweet (Trump is no longer going to hold press conferences to this ungrateful nation. One small act for man. One giant relief for mankind!)

3:30 PM-  1871 responses; 11.6K retweets; 52.3K likes; 860,840 views
11:00 PM- 1971 responses; 12.4K retweets; 55.4K likes; 1,001,142 views
I have over a million views of my tweet!!!!

14- - TH- PA - Quarantine Day #60

Gabe received his Tech School certificate today.  Some teachers showed up at the Apartment building with a yard sign for him, his certificate and a few bling goodies.  Debbie asked us to come out and join th e festivities and it was fun to be in the celebration.

My new super-duper beach umbrella showed up and it too is missing the extension pole. I cant believe I've received a second inferior pole.  Damn, damn, damn.  I want this damn umbrella.  I am going o have to order it from somewhere else.

I hung at Debbie and Jeff's apartment and it was nice to be in the company of others and without masks (even thought we probably should have kept them on).  I want to get back to normal.

My viral tweet is slowly losing interest and is at 1,100,000+ views.  Not bad!! And I wonder how long it will still show up in people's news feed.

My tweet today: At the risk of appearing too judgmental, I think Trump's spiritual adviser needs a mental health assessment.

I watched Audrie and Daisy, a movie about rape and sexual abuse.  When the boy, who videoed the assault and found guilty, was asked what he learned from this whole ordeal, he commented, "boys are a lot more chill than girls.  Girls gossip a lot."  That statement made me so angry.

15- F- PA- Quarantine Day #61

My movie of the day- Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold- I never read anything she wrote so maybe I will have to look her up in the library sometime.  She had an interesting life.

I had a zoom call with Joyce and Alex.  This is the Ground Hog's Day assignment.  It just won't end. Alex is taking over the next WAFW module in Bangladesh. So he wanted our input as to how he should approach the assignment.

I spent a lot of time on my balcony and I can't believe how many birds are in the courtyard these days.  I wonder where they will go once we are allowed out again.

I went beer shopping at WAWA.  they sell 16 oz cans for $2 each.  What a great deal.  So I bought 10 of them.  That should hold me for awhile.

It was a  gorgeous day 84F so I just drove around and had to turn on the cool air in my car.  Everything was lovely and green.

16- SA- PA - Quarantine Day #62

It was another gorgeous day and it was a weekend and it appears as if social distancing has gone to hell.  It's just too beautiful to stay inside.  I think all of our efforts will just fade away and things will just slowly open up again.  Most of the state is going to open up on Monday and in some quirky way, I think I am going to miss the shut down.  It should be funny to see how we acclimate ourselves to our own world.

I got a great text from Joyce.  She met with her group to start the My Sister's Keeper Project in Bangladesh. She told me, "I just got off the call with the ladies.  I actually only had three this morning, Kazi, Swati and Kaspia. Such awesome ladies and a great conversation.  I got to see Kaspia's hair. It's amazing. She is beautiful. If nothing else I feel really good about having this individual connection with five women and giving them a place to speak. So thank you for creating this."

I plan to take a trip to York on Monday.  It is opening back up.  But as I look at options to discover there, there is not much to see in York on a good day.  But it will be a two hour drive to a new place and a potential brewery.

I went to the Anderko for a birthday party for Bill.  He's 63.  Tricia had food ready and chairs set at 6" apart from each other.  We all started wearing our masks but towards the end, we were a little sloppy.  We played Scattegories and just caught up on what we have been doing over the last couple of weeks.  It was fun to be with them and today just felt like a normal day.

We talked about all of the wildlife that  has emerged from all corners of the world.  My courtyard is a wave of activity of birds.  Venice now has flamingoes in the canals.  Deer are taking over the parks. Kangaroos are running around neighborhoods in Australia.  It certainly is humiliating and shameless to see how quickly the world can rejuvenate itself without the interference of homo sapiens.

I came home and watched Obama's graduation speech.  It was only 10 minutes but he was his usual eloquent self.  He used humor, humility, genuineness and empathy.  I miss that in our leaders.  I put another tweet up on Twitter and have high hopes that this one will reach 1,000,000 views as well.  But I tweeted my response on so many other sites that I am not getting a collective count and now I feel out of control and defensive about the possibility of reaching the million.  I have to figure out how to get those numbers without splintering the count.

My tweet: OMG, complete sentences; coherent thoughts; sound advice; words of hope and encouragement. OMG, I am hungry for this kind of leadership. #ObamaCommencement2020

17- SU- PA-  Quarantine Day #63

It was sort of a lazy day.  But I did hang on the balcony which gave me some relief and a sense of being outside.  OMG, there is so much bird traffic in the courtyard.  I wonder where all these birds are going to go once we all get to go outside again.

I went off to Walmart and got two more plants and a tomato plant.  Let's see how that will work.  I have no expectations that I will get a single tomato this summer.  I also picked up some straws and rigged a splint system up for my two dying Gerber Daises.  I am determined to raise these flowers from the dead.

The end of the quarantine is near.  And while the virus may not be under enough control to keep us safe, we are becoming more cavalier about our ability to move on with or without the virus.  I wonder what the second wave of contamination will be like.

I watched From Murder to Mercy, the story of a 16 year old prostitute who murdered a man who she was 16 and she was tried as an adult.  I wouldn't say that there was any criminal injustice but it certainly was a complex situation that demanded to be reviewed again.   I felt sorry for the victim's family as they had to suffer through this ordeal again.

My tweet: "I am your voice. I alone can fix it." Trump, RNC, July 2016 LOL

18- M- PA-  Quarantine Day #64

I continue to be amazed at my complete lack of focus and ability to get even the most simple tasks done.  I postpone everything because I know I have time later.  And so I get nothing done: my taxes, my car inspection, my returns to Amazon, writing a check for my IRA contribution, my health insurance applications, phone calls to return, laundry, the dishes, and on and on.  I am lazy.

I had a call with one of the WAFW facilitators.  She is working on the My Sister's Keeper Project.  This project is speaking to the facilitators and students alike.  It was fun to chat with her.  When I texted her to tell her that I enjoyed our conversation, she texted back that I was fabulous. We are all feeling need to be helpful at this time.

I stopped by Produce Junction and picked up a few more plants for my balcony.  Hopefully, hopefully, I will finally realize that I have enough damn plants.  My damn Gerber Daisys are doing well today.  I think they are going to make it, at least, through the week.

I drove out to Pottstown and took photos.  That's a sweet, little town with great houses and decent neighborhood. And it has two breweries on the main street.

I heard from Jeannie Sherar today  It was 39 years ago that Bill died of a massive heart attack in their home. He collapsed right in front of her. She says she still relives that day over and over in her head.

19- TU- PA- Quarantine Day #65

I was up earlier than usual because I had to make a call to Amsterdam.  There is a woman who is interested in helping with the My Sister's Keeper Project.  It was fun talking to her as she has a much more world view than I have and she talked about Europe in the time of Trump.  She said that have united and decided that they can no longer count on the USA to be their allies.  They are going to have to figure out how to be the world leaders now.  How sad, embarrassing and refreshing.

I took a drive to Lancaster.  Mostly I just drove around and then just came right back.  I had to get out of the apartment.  But I did listen to an audio book that I am really enjoying, The Opposite of Loneliness.

Sharon called me and mostly we talked about the horrors of Trump.  This man is consuming everyone's mental health.  He has to go and I dont know what I will do it that idiot is elected again. Yesterday, Nancy Pleoski threw him an great insult and social media is going wild and she is just calmly defending her position about calling him morbidly obsess because "he always talks about peoples' weight."  I love it.

My tweet: I think #FatBoy should continue taking hydroxychloriquine and follow it up with a shot of lysol.

20- W- PA- Quarantine Day #66

Heather posted on FB that she's having another baby in November.  I am so excited.  I thought she would have one soon and so I wasn't really surprised but still thrilled.  Elliot will be a wonderful older brother.

I spent a lot of time on my balcony this afternoon.  I think I have more than enough plants.  And my Gerber daisies sprouted two more flowers and I should have another flower by tomorrow.  So I think this may be a good summer for my garden.

I went to the grocery store and I can not beehive how much that has become an escape for me.  I didn't have the energy to take a long drive somewhere so I settled on a quick trip to WAWA for beer and then a stroll around Wegman's.

My Facebook post today.  I am trying desperately to grow these damn daisies.

My threesome sprouted a twosome.
Leslie Coren, M

  • Saul Kleinman:  That's what Ultimatly lead to me divorcing my first wife.

21- TH- PA- Quarantine Day #67

I have been inundated with masks today.  At the beginning of the quarantine, I ordered masks on line and after I paid for them, I would receive a notice that it will be weeks before I get them.  So I went out and bought some and then slowly, the others came in the mail.  Today, a package of 6 came in and then a package of two and another one of 4.  I have enough masks now.

I drove to the Newark Farmers Market in DE.  I love to shop at this crazy place.  It is filled with fruits and vegetables and teas from around the world.  I bought 6 different boxes of tea.  I hope that will be ore than enough to last me through the pandemic.

I watched a dreadful movie about Ted Bundy, the serial killer.  The movie was well done but the story is so horrific.  I wonder why I am drawn to this level of violence.

Today's Tweet from a stranger and my response: If science proved the existence of a God, would atheists still refuse to worship it? I’m wondering if atheism is more an act of rebellion than a result of a lack of proof.
ME: Yes, if science proved there was a god, I would worship her. #women
Another tweet: "Ask not what your country can do for; ask what you can do for your country."-- wear a damn mask. Is it really that hard?

22- F- PA- Quarantine Day #68

It's rainy, cold day, a day I would normally just stay at home and sleep in, listen to podcasts and drink coffee. But now, that describes all of my days. So how is this day different.

I watched a televised Off Broadway play, Pipeline. These plays are offered from free and I wish I had been watching them all along. I really enjoyed this play about a kid whose parents are trying desperately to raise him in a private school environment where they think he will be safe even though the environment is offensive to him.

Two more face masks showed up in the mail today. Now, my collection is becoming an exercise in hoarding. I have enough. There is one which has two filters. I think I will give that one to Sharon as she needs it more than me.

The governor has announced that he will move our area in to a yellow state on June 5. Most of the rest of the state is already in this mode. That just opens up lots more stores and services but we will still need to engage in social distances and wearing masks. It's a start.

I spent an hour texting with my friend, Nadia, in Bangladesh. I wonder why it didn't occur to me just to call her during this time. But we covered a huge list of topics: fasting during Ramadan, how much she pays her driver, alcohol, the cost of a washing machine, marijuana, her newly-agnostic daughter, prayer, who drives in Bangladesh, how women are treated. It was a nice conversation. But I was a little afraid that I was keeping her on line too long. It was 4:30 AM and she had just finished her prayers and needed to go back to bed. So she ended the conversation but she did come back with "Take care and stay safe! We must talk again!" So i guess I didnt keep her on line too long.

I watched more interviews with Ted Bundy, the serial killer and he talked about the insatiable need for more and more as a means to feel satisfied. In in case, it was more and more killings. But I get that unfulfilled need for more. And then I get more and I am still unfulfilled in some cases. 

23- SA- PA-Quarantine Day #69

We had one of our regular family zoom calls today. I thought it started at 1:30 but it started at 1PM so I came late to the call. And then I had lots of internet connections so I couldn't hear or understand most of the conversation. When I finally got everything in sinc , I heard everyone saying goodbye to each other. Oh well, I tried.

It was both rainy and sunny today so I just hung here and when I could, I hung on my balcony and enjoyed the warmth of the sun.

Today's tweet: “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”- encourage trump to take hydroxchloroquine and follow it up with a shot of Lysol.
I watched the movie. A Family Affair about a complicated, selfish woman who abounded her children at an early age and wanted to reconnect with only one of them. She seemed afraid of her son who was autistic. She had some sort of deep secret but she took it to her grave. I don't think this movie needed to be made.

Jerrie asked me to call her. She is becoming more and more fearful that her program is going to fade away during this time of the pandemic. There is no talk of opening up the universities in China in the fall. And flights to China are now more than $3000. I am not going to China when the costs are that much.

I want to go out to breakfast tomorrow. I love Sunday morning brunch. I'd like a Bloody Mary to go with that. And I want to go to the beach and the movies and sit at an outdoor cafe. I want to interact on my terms. I want to sit in the lounge and have coffee with everyone. I want to go to an evening concert. I want to listen to everyone in the courtyard, grilling dinner and sitting at the pool (which should have opened up today). I want to hang with people. I want to hang someplace other than my apartment.

I got a DM from a former student: Hi Bridget, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to let you know, because Mom absolutely loved you, that on March 4th she underwent open heart surgery. It was filled with many setbacks and complications. She has been on a ventilator since then, and this coming Tuesday, she will be moved to hospice care where she can be terminally weaned off the ventilator and into her final peace. I am absolutely heartbroken, but this is the right decision. She has been fighting for months with no improvement, and now is in tremendous pain and cannot fully breathe even with the ventilator on full force. Thank you for all you did with working with her in SHS and being a true friend. Love, Rachel 

My response: This is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry. 

She added: Her heart literally exploded in the surgery. She SURVIVED. She was in a coma for 8 days, woke up, and then a few days later they had to open her back up. Ever since, she has not been the same. Her lungs and body have never recovered fully. She is immobile and cannot eat and can barely drink. I haven't been able to physically see her since mid-March. Unfortunately, she is lucid, which makes this entire scenario way worse. She made this choice last week, of sound mind. I cannot believe she will be gone on Tuesday. Breaks my heart in a million pieces. 

My response:  It's so, so hard to lose your mother. .

We reached almost 100,000 deaths to the Corvid #19 virus.  And Trump was out golfing.

24- SU- PA- Quarantine #70

For breakfast, I made my first spinach smooth with bananas, cucumbers and honey and it was pretty good.  I have to start consuming more vegetables.  Maybe this is the way to do it.

Deb and Lisa invited Mary and me for a backyard, social distancing gathering.  Deb ordered sandwiches, Mary brought me about $50 in IPAs and I had a lovely time.  It was nice to just sit and chat.

In the midst of our visit, I had a WAFW zoom call with Jerrie and my high school friends who are interested in connecting with my Chinese students.  I thought the call was great and I look forward to my friends' responses to these connections.

I came home and drank too much of my beer.  But the beer was in a 64oz container and I had to drink as much as possible before it went flat. And that's why I never order a full growler.  It's just too much.

I watched the documentary, Roll Red Roll, the story of the high school boys who raped a drink high school girl and then videotaped their abuse.  The case was so public at the time.  And more people seemed sad for the boys as if their lives were ruined.  Their behavior was deplorable.

My Facebook post today: YES, if I slap you, you may slap me back. Now can we have equal opportunities and equal pay? Asking for 51% of the population.

25- M- PA- Quarantine Day #71

It's Memorial Day and the pool should have been opened at this time of the year.  I look at it every day, outside my balcony and wonder if we will be allowed to use it this summer at all. I wonder if we will be allowed to do much of anything.

It was a glorious day so I took a long, winding drive through Chester Country.  I am surprised at how much of the county is still rural. I just drove; I didn't take any photos as usual. And I had a bit of a hard time concentrating while I was driving. I really wanted to drive to a destination but I couldn't figure out where to go.

I watched The War on Women which was about war as a weapon of war.  The United Nations delayed it as a crime against humanity and now women can go after men who raped, beat and burned them during war.  It is hard for me to see how too many people live in this world.

My tweet about Trump and his strange posture:

Quote Tweet
26- TU- PA- Quarantine Day #72
I had a 8:30 PM Zoom call and it seemed as if I waited all day for this damn call.  Hosting a ZOOM call stresses me out. My internet connection is not good enough to take the lead and keep the connection.  But the call was fun.  My project with the WAFW facilitators is up and running and we really seem to be enjoying each others company.  It's as if we have become a support group for each other as we work with our Bangladesh students to support other women.
Facebook post: It's humbling to see humans struggling through this quarantine and all other species are thriving.
This afternoon, the world watched a video of a black man who was murdered by a white police officer. With no heart, no empathy, no concern, this cop just knelt on this man's throat until he died. And several people begged for the cop to stop and another cop stood by and let it happen. We are outraged.
27- W- PA/DE-- Quarantine Day #73
I finally, finally made it to the beach and it was too cold and windy to just sit there. So I drove around Slaughter Beach and Bowers Beach in Delaware and just took photos. I enjoyed the drive and today felt like a normal day to me.

Today is the first day that I didn't watch a movie on Netflix. I consider this to be a small victory to returning to normal. i don't want to spend the rest of my life in front of a video screen.
Anger is heating up around the country over the murder of George Floyd. I am filled with rage.
28- TH- PA- Quarantine Day #74
Today's tweet: Trump seems to becoming increasingly paranoid as if the reality that he may lose the election is just setting in. So he has to find every excuse possible as to how he lost so unfairly.
Riots are taking place in Minnesota and around the country. i cant take any more of this police brutality.
29- F- PA- Quarantine Day #75

My new garden shelf arrived so I spent the day rearranging and expanding my garden. I have about twice as much as I had last year. And now, I think I can expand it even more. And anything after that will be ridiculous. I worked so hard, I worked up a sweat. I cant remember the last time I was this sweaty. My hair dripped with sweat.
In the evening, I went to Debbie's apartment to watch Gabe's High School Awards Ceremony. He received a carpentry award and it was so nice to sit near him and watch his face beaming with pride as the teacher commented on all of Gabe's accomplishments.

30- SA- PA- Quarantine Day 76

It was another beautiful spring day. I hung on my balcony for a bit and then I made my way to Leslie Grimm's house for an afternoon of lounging at the pool and a dinner. Her sisters were there as were two of her nieces. I finally got to meet her husband. And we spent the evening talking about the dangers of Trump and police brutality and Hillary and who Biden's VP should be and the anxiety and anger if Trump wins again. We are an exhausted nation.
The night, all over the country, was filled with violence and riots and looting and anger. It's exhausting and I get it. In the past when someone was murdered by the police, I was heart broken but disheartened by the rioting and the looting. But today, I am filled with rage and I understand the looting. Our rage is imposing. And it's about time. Let them loot. Burn it down. Enough is enough.
Riots are now taking place around Europe. At last, people are waking up and owning white priviledge, institutional racism and police brutality.
31- SU- PA- Quarantine Day #77
I started the day by attending a baby shower zoom for Kevin's wife who will be dropping a baby around mid-July. And I must say, I had more fun than I thought I would have. There were about 30 of us and we just paid tribute to Emily. We talked about the baby and gave advice. We played silly games. We made signs of support. In the midst of all this tension, this 1 1/2 hours was a tonic.
Then I went to my local Police Brutality Demonstration. It was small and mostly white people as I had anticipated. But this was still important. The country is on fire. We have had enough. Many major cities around the country are on fire and stores are being looted. And police are turning on people. And there is an undercurrent of a civil war.
Tricia called me and begged me not to leave my apartment today. She got caught up in the beginning of the riots late yesterday afternoon, when she was out for just a bit. She and Bill came home immediately.
Teresa texted me today to say that she would not get on the zoom call. They had shouting, gun shot notes and chaos in her neighborhood all night and now they are all unnerved. But she doesn't want to retreat. She wants to stand in solidarity with the moment.
No one is even talking about the Covid #19 virus today.
We are a nation in crisis.

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