Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Home. NOW WHAT!!!!


6 years ago

Bridget E Kelly

November 16, 2014  · 

Home. NOW WHAT???????????????

I ran for public office in 2014. I ran from February to November and spent all of my time on the campaign.  I lost the election and a few days later I went to Jamaica for a few days to relax and put the the campaign and year behind me.  And then I came home to my old life.

Jacki Budicker VanGorden   Make spaghetti sauce.

Betty Diane Ulrich Welcome home!

Doris Gough  Start your next campaign.

Rita Young Kanouse Breathe

Lynn Rosenblatt-Shapira  Come to visit!

Kathy Flatley Bandos  Deep breathing and laundry.  Then get back on that horse.

Marge Dorrin enjoy life

Maureen Patton Reis You will figure out something interesting to get involved in!

Rosemary Touhill  Use all those gifts God blessed you with..teaching, guidance and especially that knack you have of making everyone feel special! 😊

Debra Ward Metz  Yes, catch up on the laundry and mail.. Lol.. Then pray and continue on your journey in this thing we call life..

Marilyn Vaughn  You will do something wonderful.I'm sure!

Chris Belton  Run for school board....

Cheri Monaghan West  I second that

Selia Wang  Come to China

Ginni Outlaw-Buongiovanni-  Be beautiful and strong. You are the captain of your ship...where you going to take it Captain Bridgett??? Hope all roads lead to happiness and fulfillment.

Jeams Jn Louis  Life goes on !

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