Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Trump's Moral Bottom

 Trump's Moral Bottom

Can He Go Any Lower?

A New Bottom Every Day

Someone on Twitter commented that Trump has reached a whole new low.  She asked if he could go any lower.  And I respond that we had 50 days to the election.  Therefore, the bottom was going to be reduced 50 more times.  Here are some of the tweets I posted on a regular basis as he reached down and set a new low bar.

Today's new moral bottom to the Trump administration is brought to you by Trump himself as he does everything he can to discredit the process of the American elections. #Biden2020 #TrumpChaos

Today's new moral bottom in the Trump administration is brought to you by Barr for his suggestion to bring sedition charges against protesters. #TrumpChaos #BarrMustGo #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

Today's tweet: And today's new bottom of morality in the Trump administration is brought to you by his threat to sign an executive order to prevent Biden from becoming president.

Today's moral bottom of the Trump adminstration comes from his remarks about RBG's final wishes. “I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Schiff and Schumer and Pelosi. I would be more inclined to the second. “ #BidenHarris2020

Today's moral bottom from the Trump administration comes from his expanded ban on racial sensitivity training to Federal contractors. #BLM #BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica

Today's new moral bottom in the Trump administration comes to you from Trump when he would not commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose to Biden. #TrumpCoupPlot #SaveOurCountryFromTrump #TrumpChaos #BidenHarris2020

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