Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Dream Team

EMAIL Correspondence

The Dream Team

Teaching in Nepal
WAFW Facilitators' Group
November 2017

In the fall of 2017, I agreed to go to Nepal for 8 weeks to teach leadership skills to young women in Nepal.  We would be living near Katmandu.  I was fine with the assignment and all fo the hardships that were to go along with the moment.  However, the comment about courage really threw me for a loop.

From Jerrie (CEO of the organization): I couldn’t have imagine such a dream team for beginning the Academy in Nepal.
Thanks for the all the Founding Facilitators  … who have been on site and who are in the queue to go.

We are doing ground breaking work.  Giving Thanks for the team you are!


From: Laura Nitsos 
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2017 6:07 PM
Subject: RE: Another milestone

I’m ready to wrap up and get home! Had a strong finish with the Luvu group for yesterday’s lab and ES: 20 in attendance and beautiful energy! I know I’ve reached some of them, and that’s what matters.

Denise, thanks so much for your support before and during my module! I hand over to very competent hands, and look forward to hearing all about the next 4 weeks!


From: Bridget Kelly 
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2017 4:56 AM
To: Denise love
Cc: Jerrie Ueberle;

Subject: Re: Another milestone

After a week at being on the road, I am looking forward to getting started. I just wish Laura would stay for just 4 more weeks. I'll keep you posted.

On Nov 23, 2017, at 1:54 PM, Denise love < wrote:

As Module 2 nears completion, thinking of you all!  Jerri, hello from Australia.  In Sydney being Grandma at the moment! Constantly thinking of Nepal though!!! 

H Laura, I remember being at this stage of the month, relived, dreaming of a comfy bed, variety of food, and feeling like I would leave a substantial part of “me behind” in the form of blood, sweet and tears and joy and connection!  Enjoy your time in Kathmandu!  They now have room heating! 
Bridgette welcome to a special place....sending you courage for the cold and hard beds....but I hope the members will keep your heart warm.....if not challenge it a little, break it a little with attandance no doubt!  Chat if you need to air frustrations!!!! 

Denise Love RN MN
lifeOptions Inc. 

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