Monday, August 31, 2020

Birthday Goals

Birthday Goals
60 to 65 Years Old

I am very goal ordained.  I keep goals for everything.  I have always keep birthday goals but they were more random things that I hoped to accomplish.  When I teed 60, I set more specific goals.  I've been pretty successful in reaching my goals.

60th birthday - 2015- I made a list of  60 places to visit that push my boundaries,  GOAL MET.

61st birthday- 2016- 1961 was the year I started 1st grade and became aware of a world outside my family.  For this year, I paid attention to 61 moments that captured my attention.

62nd birthday- 2017- In 1962, I became friend with Kathy Flatley and we have been friends ever since.  We went to grade school, high school and college together.  I was in Kathy's wedding.  And her parents and my parents and her siblings and my siblings were friends.  And our family burial plots are near each other.  So for my 62nd birthday, I decided to work on developing 62 new friendships.  But I also decided to have dinner with 62 old friends. GOAL MET.

63rd birthday- 2018- In 1963, I was in 3rd grade and that was the year that reading clicked a little bit for  me. I am dyslexic and some days, reading is just so difficult for me.  So I decided to read 63 books during this year. CLOSE BY NO CIGAR

64th birthday- 2019- In 1964, my parents began to take us to the movies on a regular basis.  I love, love, love going to the movies. So I decided to go to 64 movies from my birthday.  GOAL MEET

65th birthday - 2020- In 1965, my grandparents bought me my first album, the Beatles, RUBBER SOUL album  I still have it.  I have nothing to play it one but I just cant let go of it.  I loved it.  I loved music. I became a music kook. But somewhere around 1995, I lost all sense of current music.  So I am going to study music this year and I am going to make all sorts of music lists. WORKING ON IT.

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