Thursday, April 16, 2020

After The Cruise

Facebook Post

After the Cruise
Cruising with My Niece
The Damage Done
February 9, 2020

"I just weighed myself after a week of 24 hour buffets on the cruise and I’m happy to report that I didn’t gain too much. I think 3 weeks of steadfast fasting should do the trick of getting back to my pre- trip weight."

Denise Marie : When I cruise I make sure to use the steps instead of elevators. It kind of evens out .. I actually LOST 12lbs on an 8 day cruise last year!!

Steve Shur:  Bridget what is steadfast fasting?

Kris Bakken Mooney : I understand.

Susan Descano: But did you have a good time?

Bridget E Kelly: Oh, yes we did.

Susan Descano: Then it was worth every pound!!

Katherine DiSimoni:  Who's watching? Not me! AND, probably nobody else! THAT is what a trip on a ship is for!

Kathy Flatley Bandos:  Worth every ounce.

Mudassar Iftikhar Malik: What is your fasting routine?

Bridget E Kelly:  I don't have one. I will have to start after this week. What do you suggest?

Mudassar Iftikhar Malik : Start with lemonade (salt, lemon, honey / maple syrup based)

Marilyn Vaughn:  The good old float and bloat cruise! I’ve done that! 😄

Sam Stein : Is the cruise over?

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