Sunday, December 1, 2019



2016- Atlanta- I was going to a CARE conference and realized that my cousin lives in Atlanta.  I hadn't seen her since 2000 so I thought I'd connect with her to see if she was interested.  She asked me to come out a few days before the conference and I did and it was great to connect with her.  We had such good time that her husband told me I could come back any time.

2017- Atlanta/ Plains- I went to visit Jimmy Carter in March.  I just bought a new car and now had reliable transportation.  I had read that he was going to give lectures at his church for the next 5 Sundays and I knew I had to get there ASAP as the crowds would just grow and grow with each week.  It was Wednesday when I made the decision and on Friday, I was on my way to Atlanta to meet up with my cousin who was going to join me.  And we got to see him.

2019- Atlanta- I took two of my nephews on this road trip to see my aunt and uncle.  My uncle is slipping away to Alzheimer's.  So we decided to go see them.  For the boys, it was to meet them.  For me, it is probably my goodbye.  We went to the Civil Rights Museum, the Aquarium, the Natural Science Museum and other sites.  The boys had never spent this much time in a city and moments poked at their comfort.  One nephew hopes to make it to the Olympics and coincidentally, we ran into Dee Dee Trotter, a two time Gold Medalist in the 2012 Olympics.  It was great fun to meet her.

Unfinished Business:

  • I have to visit a local brewery.
  • I want to go to MLK's church

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