Friday, November 29, 2019


Ohio State University
Fall, 1992

I only went to Ohio once, in 1992 to go to the PSU v OSU football game.  PSU had just joined the Big 10 conference and this was our first game.  About 8 of us drove up in a van or a truck or something.  It was cold, and snowy and gloomy.  We stopped at the Budweiser Brewery and drank all afternoon.  Then we went to the game the next day.  The visitors, us, had to sit on portable bleachers that had no railings and were so damn slippery.  I remember several near slipping moments.  It was snowing.  It was a wet, big flakes snow that sticks to everything.  I was covered in snow.  I was cranky. We were losing. It was shameful. The OSU fans were cheering and geering, "Welcome to the Big 10." I was freezing and near tears.

It got so cold that I had to leave the game and go to the Women's locker room in the athletic complex and take a hot shower.  I think I had hypothermia.

I was miserable and I don't feel a need to go to Ohio ever again.

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