Losing My Tooth
August 28, 2019
I was eating popcorn and an uncooked kernel got caught in my tooth. It sent an electrical charge through my whole damn body. OMG, it hurt. I dug it out of my tooth and convinced myself that I didn't do any permanent damage. But two hours later, when I went to eat a sandwich, I discovered that I had done a lot of damn. My tooth was broken.
Now, I was in New Mexico. I was 2,000 miles and a week away form my dentist. So I did my best to stabilize the tooth and the pain until I could get home. As the dentist looked at the ex-ray, she shook her head. I just knew it was going to be bad.
"I am so very, very sorry Kelly but there is nothing I can do for you tooth. You have split it right up the middle and damaged the nerve. Even a root canal won't help you. I am so very, very sorry", she told me. I think she was going to cry and I just about cried.
She sent me to a periodontist, who by the way, looked to be about 12 years old. So I asked the 55 year old dental assistant, with a hickey on her neck, if she knew how old he was. She thought he might be 35. He recommended an implant and then sent his office manager in to do the dirty work. She hands me a bill for $3990 which has to be paid today. Holy Shit, I was just coming in for a consultation.
He comes back in a surgical gown and proceeds to yank the hell out of my mouth. He makes comments the whole time. And every comment makes me want to vomit.
"Oh geez, this tooth is really giving me a hard time."
"I'm really having trouble."
"Hand me the other instrument. Maybe that will work."
"The root seems hooked on something. I just cant get it."
"That's just what I was afraid of, I can see the sinus canal. Prepare some cadaver bone."
"Let's try the drill."
He finally drilled the ting out and I had a hard time restraining myself from crying. I just felt as if this the beginning of the decay of my body. I had my gallbladder out last November Now my teeth are falling apart. My eye sight is shit. I have puffy bags under my eyes. I am getting old.
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