Thursday, January 3, 2019

July13, 2017

July 13, 2017
Carp enters' Point, MD

On Tuesday, I was bitten by a wasp. Yesterday, my hand was swollen but today, just my finger is swollen but it's huge. Is there a point when I should begin to worry?
Some responses from friends:

  •    Step 1: track down that wasp. Step 2: revenge

  •    As a daughter of a nurse, if you can bend it and it's not falling off, you're good.

  •    When it interferes with your beer glass hold, you need to get checked! Otherwise, I think you've got this!

  • Are you still alive?

  • Benadryl and a beer. when you wake up it will be good.

  • I can validate what all of the above are saying...Benadryl....maybe the beer.... ice it ( or maybe the cold can of beer resting on it!) for that "off, maybe sick feeling"..
  • Go to the doctor now.

Benadryl and a beer. when you wake up it will be good.Benadryl and a beer. when you wake up it will be goo

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