A few of my thoughts and memories and things:
A few of my thoughts and memories and things:
- October- I love this month. Pumpkin beer is released.
- Oktoberfest- Munich, Sept 2016- Those Germans can really drink beer.
- Ocean City Brewery- MD- a fun brewery. Go there.
- Overbrook- I grew up in the Overbrook section of Philadelphia
- Overbrook School for the Blind- Philadelphia
- Oklahoma- 2010
- Oregon- a gorgeous state. I drove the entire coast and it was breath-taking.
- Ohio- I went here once for a Penn State games and it was so cold, I got hypothermia.
- Obama- I met him in 2014. It was a thrill.
- Orangutans- I want to go to Rwanda to see them in the wild.
- "O" the Cirque du Soleil show- Las Vegas- June 2015
- Our Town- Thornton Wilder- I loved this play in high school but I have seen too many high school productions that I am tired of it.
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich- Solzhenitsyn- an outstanding book.
- Oatmeal- I really don't like it
- Oatmeal Cookies- overrated.
- Over the Counter Drugs: mostly pain killers for my arthritis, something to help me sleep and really, a decongestant.
- Oliver Twist- I thought this was such a sad, sad story when I was a kid. Now, I'm tired of the story.
- One Hundred Years Of Solitude- Gabriel Marques- I started out liking this book but then it got too weird and the movie was even weirder.
- Opera: nit my taste in music.
- On The Road- Jack Kerouac- I found this book in one of my student's locker so I read it and I loved it. I think I have read this book three times.
- Omar Shariff- a handsome guy through the ages.
- Outer Banks, NC- wonderful beach fronts rentals at affordable prices.
- Outrageous- yes, I've been called that.
- Opinionated- yes, I've been called this as well.
- Obnoxious- yup.
- Oprah- she took us by storm and now she owns the world.
- Oslo, Norway- this is one very expensive city.
- Oakland, CA- a happening town.
- Ordinary People- a movie about the harsh realities of family life.
- On Golden Pond- a sappy movies with the Fonda family.
- Orange juice- I like to drink OJ but I just wish it didn't have so much sugar.
- Oranges- I cant stand to eat them. I don't like the juice running down my arms.
- Octopus- yes, I like to eat calamari.
- Osama- a movie about the horrible conditions females must endure under the Taliban.
- Olive Oil- I never use it but then I never cook.
- Ohio State- as a Penn Stater, I dislike their fans.
- Ode to Billie Joe- Bobbie Gentry-I love this song. I think they throw a baby off the bridge.
- OMG- an overused expression that I use too much.
- OTTO- this name is spelled the same, frontwards and backwards.
- Out West- exploring the route of Lewis and Clark. I just wanted to jump in my car and explore the world after I read a book like this.
- Overweight- yes I am
- Out of Africa- Isak Dinesen- I never read the book but I loved the movie.
- Ostrich- a great, big, spastic bird.
- Once- the movie- I loved it and it is just too damn sad that I cant watch it again.
- Onions- I only like them if they are grilled. I do not like raw onions.
- Onion rings- love them.
- Oh, Very Young- Cat Stevens- I used to love him but after he made negative comments about the USA after 9/11, I stopped liking him. I am slowly beginning to forgive him.
- Oysters- raw, Rockefeller, in sushi, or grilled. YES
- Omelets- yes, but I prefer my eggs to be scrambled.
- Orbitz- I book a lot of my trips through this site.
- Old Man- Neil Young- This song is too sad for me.
- Oreo Cookies- I used to eat them until I felt sick. Now, I don't eat them anymore and they seem too heavy to me.
- On Broadway- The Drifters- one of my all time favorite songs.
- Ovaltine- I haven't had a cup of this drink in 50 years. I wander if it is still made.
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