Monday, October 29, 2018

The Letter "Q"

Some of my thoughts and memories and things

  • Quentin- my nephew, the youngest of my sister's five sons.
  • Quiet- I am more loud than quiet
  • Quirky- I've been called that.
  • Queer- when I was growing up, this term meant "odd" and I used it all the time.  I think it is a perfect word to describe certain people and things.  But I can't use this word anymore.
  • Queens and Kings- they don't hold my interests.
  • Q-tips- I love them.
  • Quaaludes- a lot of my friends took these pills when I was in high school.  I was afraid of street drugs then.  Now, I would consider trying one but they are no longer on the market.  Opportunity missed.
  • Quill Pens- too messy, same with fountain pens.  Just give me a ball point pen.
  • Quebec City- 2015- I spent Christmas here and it is a lovely city.
  • Quaint- as in a quaint little town.  This transfer in to a boring little town after two days.
  • Quilts- my sister collects quits and is always trying to get me to buy some with her.  But I don't want to waste any time being careful with my blankets.  I want my blankets to keep me warm.  If I want artwork, I'll buy art work.
  • Quakers- Philadelphia, my home town was started by William Penn, a Quaker.  There are many Quaker schools around here and this religion least bothers me.
  • Quantity vs quality- I too often go for quantity, particularly at Chinese buffets.
  • Questions- I have a lot of them.
  • Quotes- I collect those quotes that speak to me.
  • Quacking- I have a house near a river so I hear lots of ducks quaking.
  • Quadruple Bypass Surgery- I heard it's painful. And every time I have an irregular heart beat, I fear that I need this surgery.
  • Quincy Jones- I like some of his music.
  • Quantum Leap Theory- I don't know anything about it.  Maybe I should reads something about it.."
  • Quaint- when used to describe a small town, this usually translate in to "a boring town
  • Quincy Market, MA- it's a fun place to spend an afternoon.
  • Quinine Water- I am always in search of quinine water because I am told it prevents malaria and I travel to too many countries that have malaria and I hate the medication.
  • Quitter- I can be a quitter but mostly I hold on because I can be so damn stubborn.
  • Quarandine- March 16, 2020. The whole world shut down for the Covid pandemic.
  • Quitter- Sometimes I am a quitter and sometimes I am too stuburn to quit even if it means I am losing.
  • Qatar- I have been to the airport and I am in a constant debate as to how to pronounce the country.  Does it ryhme with guitar or is it "Cutter?"

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