We all need heroes. I admire courageous people, people who stand up for what they believe, no matter what the cost.
Here are mine:
- RBG- she has just come under my radar. She's become an icon and I recently watched her documentary movie and was sorry that it took me so damn long to admire her.
- Malala- At 15, she stood up to the Taliban and risked her life because she felt strongly about her education. And I wasted most of my formal education.
- Pope Francis- he is a man of peace and love.
- MLK- I think our world would be so different if he had been allowed to lead his dream.
- Robert Kennedy- I love the speech he gave the night MLK was murdered.
- Mother Theresa- she lived in ugliness and only saw beauty
- Joe Paterno- his career ended with great sadness and anger but I still admire him.
- Obama- the white racists in our country were ugly to him but he never stooped to name calling as Trump does.
- Lech Waleasl- I give him credit for ending the Cold War. He stood up to his government and successfully chipped away at communism.
- Mikhail Gorbachev- Russian leader- he fought to bring elections to Russian and sacrificed his opportunity to hold on to his position.
- Atticus Finch- OK, I know he is a fictional character but there are people who have risked all in an effort to stand up fro the underdog.
- Richard and Mildred Loving- the interracial couple from the VA who went to the Supreme Court to fight for their right to live as a legally married couple.
- Congressman John Lewis- he got hit in the head by a bat and went back to march again the next day for civil rights. That is courage.
- Jean Kearns- my freshman Sociology teacher. She encouraged me to believe in myself.
- Ida- my grandmother- she saw the goodness in everyone.
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