Tuesday, November 14, 2017



I've become a Podcast junkie. I don't remember when I started listening to them on a regular basis but now they consume my life.  I got to sleep listening to stories.  If my phone has a full battery, they whisper to me throughput the night, waking me up in the middle of someone's heart wrenching story which leaves me wide awake for the moment. Other times, these stories filter through my dreams, causing me to wake up in the morning and ponder what my dreams meant.

In the morning, I turn them back on and listen until I finally acknowledge that this is becoming pathological and I have to get the hell up and start my day.

I started listen just to missed radio shows (Wait, Wait or A Prairie Home Companion) but now I listen mostly to story tellers.  I love to hear other people's stories.  And then I spend my day, retelling their tales to my friends and family and anyone else who will listen to my babbling.

The Mortified Podcast
True Story
Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
One This Day
Ted radio Hour
Up and Vanished
Missing Richard Simmons
This American Life
The Moth
A Prairie Home Companion
The Writer's Almanac
The Kitchen Sisters
The Lapse Storyteller
Snap Judgment

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