Monday, July 3, 2017

Weed Wacker

Weed Wacker
Northwest String Summit
July 2017

As the band is coming off the stage, I cross paths with the drummer.

"Nice job today", I tell him.

He is thrilled.  "Thanks, it was really fun.  This is the first time I ever played to a crowd this big.  I just joined the band."

We chat for a few more minutes and he give me the history of the band and his musical background.  It sounded as if he was in the right place at the right time a few weeks back.  Now he is touring for the summer with this band and he couldn't be happier.

"What do you do when you are not a rock and roll star"? I ask him.

"I'm a cutter. I cut weed in California.  I just started doing that too and Im not as good as some of the others."

"A weed wacker? How long have you been doing that?" I ask.

"About a year. I work with a cool group of guys and man, they are the best.  You should see how fast they can cut.  You know, I try so hard to cut so there's no waste and no stem. But it's a talent to get that combination just right."

"Yes, I am sure it is."

"I'll get there, though.  I'm going to keep working on it. But hey, man, I have to go.  Nice talking to you."  And off he went, happy with life.

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