Friday, July 7, 2017


What I love To Smell

Baby’s breath- There is almost an absence of smell. It’s light and airy.

Lilac- Sometimes the wind blows in my backyard in early May and I get my first whiff and this moment always reminds me of my mother who loved lilacs.

Vanilla- I like vanilla extract, vanilla bean, vanilla ice cream. It’s a sweet smell.

Root beer- like beer, it has a strong smell. Unlike beer, it has a sweet smell that quenches my thirst.

Coconut- shaved coconut doesn’t do it for me.  But I love the smell of a coconut coffee.  It’s not a popular flavor and hard to find. So, when I do find it in the store, I open the bag, take a whiff and enjoy the moment.  I’ll take another whiff and then I must force myself to stop before anyone notices me.

Clean hair- this fragrance doesn’t last long but there is a quick moment right after a shower when my hair feels and smells squeaky clean.

Tangerines-  I don’t like to eat tangerines because I don’t like messy foods but I love the smell that squirts out when I peel open a tangerine.

Freshly cut grass- it only last about 10 seconds but right after I cut the grass, a scent rises and permeates my surrounding.

A cake cooking in the oven- OMG, that is a joyful fragrance.

Burning leaves- in the fall, I look forward to the Saturday evenings, after a day of garden clean-up, when a neighbor burns a pile of leaves. The smell permeates the neighbor and reminds every one of the glooming winter ahead.

Pine trees- it’s my favorite Christmas smell.

Thanksgiving Dinner- the whole house fills up with the aroma of gravy and turkey.

Summer rain- it’s fresh, clean and warm.  Winter rain is cold so I try to avoid this rain.  But when it rains in the summer, I like to stand in it, almost like a baptism.

Beer- it’s a strong, bitter smell.

Ginger Ale- when we were sick, my mother served us ginger ale. I equate it with feeling better.  Now, the moment I smell it, I begin to feel better.

Bacon cooking on the stove- this smell can get me out of bed in the morning.

Coffee brewing- I love to wake up to this smell.

Jasmine- I eat Jasmine rice when I am in Asia. It has a sweet smell and because it is so sticky, I can eat it with my hands and smell it on my fingers.

Earl Grey tea- when it’s hot, I like to wrap my hands around the cup and get smell its strong warmth.

Indian cooking, particularly curry, they are exotic flavors that are so foreign to me.

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