Thursday, June 22, 2017

Coveting My Things

Haiti Family Initiative Program
Jaime, Haiti
Summer 2013

I arrive in Jacmel and head to our summer program.  Word is out that the white people are here.  So the neighbors come running to find us. Many of the women only one phrases in English. They tug on my arm and point to something of mine, "OK, WHEN YOU LEAVE." 

Then they shamelessly point to themselves.  They want my hat, my purse, my blouse, my eyeglasses, my water bottle, my phone, my pants, my water sprayer.  Someone actually pulled on my bra strap.  My $8 Wal-Mart slips on sneakers are a very hot commodity. I have had several requests for them.  

I wonder what the USA Custom’s Official would say if I did come back sans everything that has been coveted.

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