Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Apple Store

The Apple Store
Christianna Mall
Saturday, February 14, 2008

I have it in my mind that I want an Itouch from the Apple Store.  It's Saturday night, Valentine's Day and I decide that this is a perfect time to go to this store.  Everyone will be out to dinner and I will just run in and get my Itouch and get home within the hour.

I park and make my way through the mall which is mostly empty.  But then I come to the Apple Store and it is packed. It's jam packed as a matter of fact.  I have to take a number and wait for one of the 30 clerks to help me.

I wait and wait and wait as one person after another leaves the store with bundles of packages. I am stunned at all of this commerce in the midst of our recession.  Capitalism is thriving here.

I get my Itouch and stay up all night, fooling with it.  I love it. I am very happy.

The next week  I go to my Women's Investment Club and suggest we but Apple Stock ASAP.

"What research have you done on it's performance?, " one woman asks.

"Nothing.  I don't need to, " I tell her with great confident.  I tell them about my observations on Saturday night.  They agree with me. We bought the stock. And now, nine years later, this stock continues to make me very happy.

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