Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Tibetan Family

A Tibetan Family
June 1999

The woman calls to us as we walk past her compound. She invites us inside her home and we are eager to take her up on her offer. We want to see how the Tibetans live. And what we see surprise the hell out of us. This woman and her husband live in a one room stone hut, side-by-side with their farm animals. The smell of cow dung permeates the air. There is no furniture, no running water, no electricity, no comforts to this home. The sole purpose of this home is to protect them from the elements.

She invited us in because she wants our help. It appears as if her cow is sick with diarrhea and she is hoping we might know what to do to help the health of her cow. And we do. The problem is obvious. Outside of her house we see a trickle of a creek, the only fresh water this family has.  Laying in this water are several dead  cows, decomposing and rotting in the water. We mention to the woman that the cows should be removed from the water source. But she protests. These cows are purposely placed here so that they can decompose more quickly and then come back reincarnated to another spiritual life. She does not want to entertain the idea of removing cows. We are dumbfounded by her response.

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