Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wandering Across America

Wandering Across America
A Consistent Goal

I travel a lot. At this point in my life, it seems as if I am on the road, going somewhere, about 30-40% of my time.  I am always packing for the next trip and making some sort of arrangement for the trip after that. There is a lot to see in this vast world and I want to see it all.

For awhile I was only interested in traveling abroad, in search of some new exotic place.  But then I went to Oregon and drove the Pacific Highway.  It was a spectacular drive.  That’s when I realized I had to spend more time exploring my own back yard.  So in 2000, I set a goal: each year, a new country, a new state and a new city in Pennsylvania. So far, I have been pretty good in meeting my goal and I have only 7 more states to visit. Each state stands on its own fro beauty and wonderment.  We have a great country.

As I wander around the country, I am seeing magnificent things.  So I decided to start a blog on what’s out this in this great country of ours. Feel free to follow the blog and join me as I wander around.