Friday, September 16, 2016

Scientology- FL

Church of Scientology
Clearwater, FL
May 2016

The Way to Happiness
I don't know much about The Church of Scientology but it has always peaked my interest due to its very negative image in the media.  I don't know anyone who practices this religion so I have no clue or understanding of any of its teachings.  So when I found myself in Clearwater, I decided that I would check it out. I asked my friend, Jane, to drive me to its headquarters so we could look around, go exploring but she was hesitate."No, you don't understand.  They are creepy.  They own all of Clearwater and they're a cult.  You need to stay away form them.  They'll suck you in and you won't be able to get out.  And they take of your money from you.  It's a corrupt billion dollar business.  I mean it, stay away from them.  I read the book about them.  They're vicious."

She did agree to drive me around their main business area. Their flagship building takes up an entire city block.  There are numerous surrounding building which boosts of "Drug Free World", the "Institute of Happiness" and "United for Human Rights.  The streets are relatively bare.  A few people walk the streets.  They walk with a sense of purpose and head towards the Flagship building.  They are in uniform:  black slacks, white shirt, blue vest and sensible shoes.
Buses roll in and drop hoards of people/workers  off at a side entrance to the Flagship Building.  The smaller buildings are open to the public and managed by a worker or two.  It appears as if they are there until late in the night.  We passed by them at 10 PM and the doors were open, ready to receive lost souls.

I want go in.  But Jane finds my idea to be too risky.  She won't even stop for me to get out to take a few photo.  "No, I don't want them to see us and take down my license and look me up. No."
Two days later, we ar in the car with her husband and I ask him to pull over while I take a few photos.  He agrees but gets an earful from Jane.  "I mean it John, do not let her going there.  We will be there all night."  He, too, confirms a fear of this cult. "Jane's right, they are very sneaky."  I grab a few photos and we are on our way.

When I return home a few day later, I watch the controversial documentary about this group and I can see why Jane is so concerned about them.  They do seem to be a cult,filled with a lower rank who does all the work and reaps so few of the benefits.  What motivates people to stay with this group?  Now I am more determined to return to Clearwater and talk to some of the worker bees. 

Poor Jane: she is going to have a heart attack when I visit again.