June Memories
June Memories
- 2013- a trip to Northern Europe- Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Latvia, Russia, Germany and England
- High School Gradation Ceremonies filled with students on the verge of a whole new life.
- Both of my grandparents were born in June so we always had celebration for them.
- The end of another school year.
- June 5, 1900- My grandfather's birthday. He was not Catholic and the nuns always told us that non-Catholics would never go to heaven. So we made him spiritual bouquets for birthday gifts and prayed that he would convert to Catholicism and join us in heaven.
- 1973- I did it. Much to many peoples' surprise, I graduated from high school. I hated just about every minute of high school, but I dragged my ass across that finish line.
- The annual quiet after the storm: the day after school lets out and everyone has gone home. I have the school building all to myself. As a high school principal, this is a lovely moment.
- “O”: Cirque de Soleil, Las Vegas- 2015. What a show!!!!!
- summer school, dreadful summer school during my middle school years
- 2007- The Artic Circle- Alaska
- Summer break and long days outside.
- 1963- New York World’s Fair
- my garden is in full bloom.
- 2005- a trip to Viet Nam and Cambodia
- 2017- I moved to my new apartment in West Chester, PA.
- 2000- Ireland; a trip with 15 family members
- 2018- a road trip with Clay. We went to the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River, Horseshoe Bend, the Petrified Forest, Montezuma Cathedral, Sedona, Antelope Canyon