Friday, March 11, 2016

What Else Do You Want To Do?


Long Beach Island, NJ
August 1985

I remember the last time I saw my grandmother, Ida.  It was the end of summer and I was heading back to college.  She was 85 and I was 31.  She was so healthy that she could have lived forever in my opinion.  Her mind was sharp and she was still full of life.  But as I said goodbye to her, the thought crossed my mind that this time might be the last time we would ever see each other.  The same thought must have crossed her mind as well as we held each other just a moment longer than usual and I think, like me, there was a tear in her eye as we finally let go.

“Ida,” I asked her, “is there any thing more you wan to do with your life?  Any thing else left to do?”

“Oh, there are always things to do. But I’d like to take a trip around the world one more time”, she told me without hesitation.  She was a world traveler who never lost her wanderlust.  Then she continued, “And you know, I really want to take a computer course.  I don’t understand computers and I feel as if I am being left behind.  I need to take a class or something.  I don’t want to miss out.”

When I am 85, I can only hope that I will be that full of life.